Speech and Language Sciences Laboratories

The Speech and Language Sciences Laboratory (SLS Lab) is equipped with state-of-art research facilities to accommodate the needs of research and study of faculty members and students of CBS.
SLS Lab (Main) |
SLS Lab (Annex) |
The SLS Labs have 3 double wall sound-proof booths and 2 single wall sound-proof booths, housing the following research facilities: |
Compumedics Neuroscan 128/64-channel EEG system
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive method to measure electrical activity in the brain. The SLS Lab is equipped with a Compumedics Neuroscan EEG system with 128/64-channel SynAmpsRT amplifiers. The lab has Curry 7 software for acquisition of EEG data, along with several stimulus presentation software packages (including STIM2, E-Prime, and Presentation), and can record behavioural responses via mouse and keyboard, button box, or microphone. |
Eyelink 1000 Plus/ Protable Duo Eye Tracker
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2 PC workstations
BioSemi 32-channel EEG system
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Tobii TX300 Eye Tracker
Interacoustic AS608 Audiometer ![]() |
Soterix Medical 1x1 tDCS & 4x1 HD-tDCS
Glottal Enterprises Electroglottograph ![]() The electroglottograph (EGG) is a device used for non-invasive measurement of the degree of contact between the vocal folds during voice production. The EGG device measures the translaryngeal electrical impedance between two electrodes placed at adjacent locations on the surface of the neck. EGG is commonly used to assess pathological voice conditions by voice scientists. |
Glottal Enterprises Aeroview Phonatory Aerodynamics System
Karl Storz Stroboscopic Laryngoscopy System ![]() The SLS Lab houses a medical stroboscopic laryngoscopy system to conduct voice-related and swallowing-related research studies. The stroboscopic imaging system allows speech therapists to visually inspect the conditions of the larynx during speech, phonation and swallowing. Our stroboscopic system includes a Full-HD medical grade surgical monitor, rigid stroboscope telescope, flexible fiberscope, as well as imaging camera head and imaging console of the latest technology. |
Esaote MyLabGamma Ultrasound System
Carstens AG501 Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Articulography ![]() The Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA) is used for precise kinematic measurement of the articulators (lips, tongue and jaw) during speech and swallowing. Such measurement is performed by using a magnetic field to localize the positions of transducers (sensors) temporarily attached to the articulators. EMA is commonly used for research studies related to articulation and swallowing disorders. |
Furhat Robot
Software The SLS Lab provides the following software for designing experiments and analyzing data: |
For students and CBS staff who would like to gain access to the SLS Lab for conducting linguistic experiments, please fill in the application form in the following link. Afterwards, you will need to attend a short briefing on how to use the equipment and familiarize yourself with the lab rules.
Application form of lab access: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/pfs/index.php/623196?lang=en
The SLS Lab uses an online platform for booking the booth spaces (authorized faculty members only).
All CBS staff and students may use the facilities free of charge. Non-CBS users may refer to the charging scheme for details. |