Korean Minor Programme

Korean Minor Programme focuses on developing students' Korean communication skills based on a practical and applied educational philosophy. In order to obtain a Korean minor, a total of 6 courses (18 credits) must be taken, at least 9 of the 18 credits required for satisfying the Minor requirements should be at level 3 or above.
- Curriculum :
2 compulsory subjects:
CBS2632 Introductory Korean II
CBS3634 Intermediate Korean I
12 elective subjects:
CBS2631 Introductory Korean I
CBS2633 Koreans and Their Cultural Identity
CBS3635 Intermediate Korean II
CBS3636 Korean Arts and Lifestyle
CBS3640 Korean through Media
CBS3641 Korean Language through Culture
CBS3642 Korean Language for Exploring Korea
CBS3643 Korean Language for Professional Settings
CBS4637 Advanced Korean I
CBS4638 Advanced Korean II
CBS4639 Translation and Interpretation between Korean and Chinese
CBS1BN03 East Asia: Towards a Global Community with Cultural Diversity
- Teaching team :
- AG514
- +852 2766 7563
- sun-a.kim@polyu.edu.hk
- AG502a
- +852 2766 4794
- sinae.sim@polyu.edu.hk
- AG502
- +852 2766 4161
- juyeon.lee@polyu.edu.hk
- Example study path
Current year 2 students
School Year Semester
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Introductory Korean I
Korean Arts and LifestyleIntroductory Korean I
Korean Arts and LifestyleIntroductory Korean I
Introductory Korean II
Introductory Korean II
Intermediate Korean I
Korean Language through CultureIntroductory Korean II
Intermediate Korean I
Korean Arts and Lifestyle2
Intermediate Korean II
Korean through MediaIntermediate Korean I
Korean through MediaIntermediate Korean II
Korean through Media4
Advanced Korean I
Korean Language through Culture
Korean Language through Culture
Current year 3 students
School Year Semester
Option 1
Introductory Korean I
Korean Arts and Lifestyle3
Introductory Korean II
Intermediate Korean I
Korean Language through Culture2
Intermediate Korean II
Korean through MediaStudents who enrol at a higher level by passing a placement test will have adjusted study plan.
If you have a plan to participate in an exchange program to Korea, please check the credit transferability before you go to Korea.
Please contact Dr. Sim (sinae.sim@polyu.edu.hk) for further inquiries.
- Exchange opportunity
Students can join exchange program at major universities in Korea, including Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University, Ewha Womans University, etc.
- Work integrated education
Students can earn credits while working in Korea.
Korea WIE 2022_Briefing
Korea WIE 2020
- Study tour :
Students can participate in summer or winter study tour to Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea to learn Korean language and culture. Students may be able to receive subsidy from Study Abroad Fund by Global Engagement Office.
- K-Channel
K-Channel is a Korean cultural activity club for Korean minor students. Students gather once a month on campus or off campus during the semester to expand Korean cultural experiences and opportunities to use the Korean language throughout activities such as Korean movies, K-pop, and various crafts, games, food and gatherings with Korean friends.
K-Channel Activity Pictures
- Student experience :
LEE, Tsz Ki (Jasmine)
I went to Korea last summer for an internship opportunity. Since I wanted to try working in a foreign country and I need to fulfill one of my elective components for my minor, I applied for the WIE opportunity to Korea. I have worked at Dotrade, Inc. for two months. My boss was treating us so well and the projects have made me learn a lot about how B2B and e-commerce operate in reality. Apart from work, I also have a lot of opportunities to explore a more localized Korea. I have visited other cities like Busan, Jeju Island, Suwon which are so different from Seoul. To conclude, the whole experience was so wonderful and superb.
전부터 다른 나라에서 일하는 환상이 있었기 때문에 해외 WIE에 지원해서 지난 여름에 인턴으로 한국에 갔어요. 저는 두 달 동안 Dotrade, Inc.라는 회사에서 일했어요. 우리 대표님이 너무 잘 챙겨 주셨고 일도 너무 재밌어서 아주 행복했어요.

This is the last lunch with our boss. I still remember how delicious the spicy beef soup is!
사장님과 인턴의 마지막 점심. 너무 맛있는 육개장이라서 아직도 기억하는 맛이에요!

Muzik is one of the characters that my friends love. We went to the pop-up store and I understand whyMuzik is so popular.
친구가 엄청 좋아하는 호랑이 뮤직이에요. 팝업스토어에서 이 호랑이의 매력을 느꼈져요.
SMITH, Amelia
My name is Amelia and I’m a Korean minor student at PolyU. One of my University ambitions was to be able exchange to Yonsei University, which I was able to do in semester 2 last year (2022). During this exchange, I chose subjects related to business and Korean. I really appreciated the caring and helpful nature of staff and students at Yonsei. During the exchange, a number of administrative issues presented themselves and staff at Yonsei were always very attentive and helped me to the best of their ability. Apart from the people, I think that the Yonsei campus is very beautiful, it literally feels like you’re living in a drama when walking along university paths. The library is also very well facilitated and provides a very nice environment in which to study.
In addition to university life, the exchange experience allowed me to travel extensively within Korea and understand more about the whole country and the different areas. I often used my weekends to explore outside of Seoul, visiting Busan, Daejeon, Daegu, Jeju, and others. I was also able to meet a lot of my friends who were from Korea.
For students who choose to minor in Korean, I believe that such an experience is extremely helpful as it forces you into an environment where you need to converse in Korean every day. Some of the unforgettable experiences I had was seeing snow and Cherry blossom for the first time in my life. I also found it fascinating to experience more pronounced seasonal change than we get in Hong Kong.
저는 이공대에서 한국어 부전공하는 학생 아밀리아입니다. 작년(2022년) 2학기에 연세대학교에 교환학생으로 가게 되었습니다. 저는 경영학과와 한국어에 관련된 과목을 선택했는데, 문제가 생길 때마다 연세대 직원들이 항상 최대한 도와주려고 했습니다. 또 연세대학교 캠퍼스가 참 아름답다고 생각하는데, 말 그대로 대학 길을 걸으면 드라마 속에 사는 것 같았습니다. 또한, 도서관은 매우 편리하고 공부하기 좋은 환경을 제공해서 좋았습니다.
이런 대학 생활뿐만 아니라, 한국의 여러 곳을 여행할 수 있었고, 나라 전체와 다양한 지역에 대해 더 많이 이해할 수 있었습니다. 저는 종종 주말을 이용해 부산, 대전, 대구, 제주 등을 방문하며 서울 밖을 탐험했습니다. 또한 한국에서 온 많은 친구들을 만날 수 있었습니다.
이런 경험은 매일 한국어로 대화해야 하는 환경을 제공하기 때문에 한국어 부전공을 선택한 학생들에게 매우 도움이 된다고 생각합니다. 잊을 수 없는 경험 중 하나는 내 인생에서 처음으로 눈과 벚꽃을 본 것입니다. 또한 우리가 홍콩에서 경험하는 것보다 더 뚜렷한 계절 변화를 경험하는 것이 매력적이라는 것을 알았습니다.

CHOI, Ho Hang (Cyprian)
Going to Korea exchange has already been my goal since year 1. However, due to the pandemic, I could not have this chance. Although I could not go to Korea for a short time, I did not give up. I tried to equip myself by learning Korean. In 2019, I started to learn Korean at PolyU so that I could use Korean to communicate with people when I go to Korea. And thankfully, PolyU provided me with an opportunity to intern in Korea in 2022 summer. I was promoted to a product-related internship at Globaleur, a Korean start-up.
Globaleur's vision is to transform the relationships between people and destinations by leveraging digital technologies and helping users to have an ultimate travel experience that is stress-free. They believe by empowering users with an optimal travel experience, it will automatically bring opportunities and value to their clients.
In Globaleur, my duties were conducting market research, gathering information and assisting in wireframes and product design after understanding the business requirements. I have to work with the Product Manager to complete my tasks, such as designing wireframes and UI/UX.
In the internship, I was so lucky that I had lots of good colleagues and supervisors. They assisted me a lot throughout the internship. They tried their best to let us learn as much as possible instead of only asking us to finish the tasks. Before the internship, I always feared that I was not good enough, but they were so supportive and gave me a lot of good advice. During my days in Korea, I can keep practicing my Korean and experience the authentic cultures in Korea. For example, having haircuts in salons, watching concert and going to karaoke. Besides, I am thankful that I met a lot of good friends during this period. In the previous semesters, I could only meet friends from Hong Kong. However, in this internship, I met interns from Korea. It is really rewarding that I can be friends with them and learn about different cultures. If I did not go to this internship, I would not have this chance to meet these good people.
2012년부터 저는 한국문화에 관심이 있어서 한국어를 공부하고 한국에서 살고 싶었어요. 그래서 폴리유에서 한국어 부전공을 시작했어요. 한국 사람하고 한국어로 이야기하기를 원했어요. 그런데 코로나 때문에 가지 못했어요. 그러다가 2022년 여름에 드디어 한국에서 인턴 기회가 생겨서 참여했어요. 저는 Globaleur에서 인턴을 했어요. 내 책임은 웹사이트 만들기였어요. 나의 동료들은 모두 매우 친절해서 나에게 각종 수업에서 못 배우는 지식을 가르쳐줬어요. 그동안 한국어 사용할 기회가 많아서 한국어 실력이 빨리 늘었어요. 그리고 한국친구들을 사귀었어요. 그들이 나를 많이 도와줘서 너무 감사해요. 좋은 추억을 남겼어요.

Our office is near Euljiro, so we always walk to work through the Cheonggyecheon. It is very relaxing.
회사가 을지로에 있으니까 우리는 매일 청계천으로 출근했어요. 커피 마시면서 걸을 때 기분 좋아졌어요.

There are lots of photo-taking shops so called “4 cuts of your life” in Korea. Therefore, we took many photos.
한국 거리에서 “인생 네 컷” 사진관이 아주 많아서 우리는 자주 사진 찍었어요.