Hosted by the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS), the second Gifted Education Fund (GEF) programme entitled “Multilingual Communication Training and Cross-Cultural Communication Course for Future Leaders” is now open for application.
To unleash the potential of gifted students, CBS offers the GEF programme to secondary students with funding from the Gifted Education Fund of Education Bureau and support from the Department of English and Communication (ENGL), The HK PolyU-PKU Research Centre on Chinese Linguistics (RP2U2), The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (LSHK), the Centre for Translation Studies (CTS), the Research Centre for Professional Communication in English (RCPCE), and the International Research Centre for the Advancement of Healthcare Communication (IRCAHC).
The 11-month course aims to help students to better understand the different cultures and languages that weave the fabrics of Hong Kong, the nation, and the world. It offers a golden opportunity for talented secondary students to equip themselves with knowledge and skills in areas of languages sciences, and strengthen their ability in communications and cross-cultural exchanges. Students will also develop positive values and attitudes that are useful for personal growth and becoming future leaders one day.
This programme is free of charge and 30 students will be selected to participate in this programme, which is tentatively scheduled from June 2022 to April 2023. Schools, parents and guardians are cordially invited to nominate Secondary 1 to Secondary 5 students to apply for this programme. Please complete the application form and send it by post on or before 27 May 2022 (Friday) to the following address:
Chan Sui Wai Building
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
11 Yuk Choi Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon
(Attn: Ms Karen HO)
Please also send a soft copy of the application form to Miss Karen Ho at
For the application form and programme details, please refer to the Education Bureau’s website and the programme outline. Should you have any enquiries, please contact Miss Karen Ho via email at