(The Chinese version is available after the English version.)
In order to recruit high-calibre students who are determined to pursue academic research, the MA Scheme in Chinese, Linguistics and Translation is launching two scholarships in the 2023/24 academic year.
CBS Postgraduate Scholarship is an entry scholarship, which offers a 50% tuition waiver to applicants with outstanding intellectual potential to complete an MA thesis and have achieved excellent academic results in the qualifications already obtained.
CBS Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarship is a graduation scholarship, which worth 50% of the tuition fee for graduates who have completed their MA thesis and graduated with excellent academic achievements.
Distinguished students may receive both scholarships, which will be awarded full tuition fee in total.
No separate application is required for the scholarships. Applicants who have submitted their application by 31 March 2023 will be automatically considered for the Entry Scholarship through the admission interview process.
為鼓勵成績優異並立志從事學術研究的學生就讀中文、語言學與翻譯文學碩士組合課程,本課程將於 2023/24 學年推出兩項奬學金計劃 。
“中文及雙語學系碩士生獎學金” 是一項半免學費入學奬學金,將頒予數名入學成績優異,並具備學術潛質完成碩士論文的申請人。
奬學金不須要額外遞交申請表格,只要在 2023年 3 月 31 日 前遞交入學申請的申請人,就會自動被考慮。奬學金甄選將會在入學面試同時進行。