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Linguistic Training and Internship Programme (2)

Linguistic Training and Internship Programme for Gifted Students in Secondary Schools

To further unleash the potential of gifted students, the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies and the Department of English at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University offer the Linguistic Training and Internship Programme to secondary school students. Funded by the Gifted Education Fund of Education Bureau, this programme is the first workshop in Hong Kong which provides linguistic training and internship opportunities for gifted students at secondary levels. Schools, parents and guardians are cordially invited to nominate Secondary 2 to Secondary 5 students to apply for this programme. This 13-month programme aims at equipping students with knowledge in the areas of language sciences and developing their analytics skills and research methods. It provides precious internship opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience in conducting research projects under mentorship, as well as improve their interpersonal and teamwork skills through their engagement with peers and mentors in an interdisciplinary and multi-cultural environment. This programme is free of charge and 20 students will be selected to participate in this programme since May 2021. For those who would like to nominate students to apply for this programme, please send the completed application form by post on or before 15 April 2021 (Thursday) to the following address: CF701 Tang Ping Yuan Building The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 11 Yuk Choi Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon (Attn: Ms Tracy LUO Xin) The application form can be downloaded from the Education Bureau’s website. For more details about the programme, please refer to the programme outline and our website Should you have any enquiries, please contact Ms Tracy LUO at 3400 3823 or via email at

10 Mar, 2021


CBS Postgraduate Scholarships 2021/22

In order to recruit high-calibre students who are determined to pursue academic research, the MA Scheme in Chinese, Linguistics and Translation is launching two scholarships in the 2021/22 academic year. CBS Postgraduate Scholarship is an entry scholarship, which offers a 50% tuition waiver to applicants with outstanding intellectual potential to complete an MA thesis and have achieved excellent academic results in the qualifications already obtained. CBS Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarship is a graduation scholarship, which worth 50% of the tuition fee for graduates who have completed their MA thesis and graduated with excellent academic achievements. Distinguished students may receive both scholarships, which will be awarded full tuition fee in total. No separate application is required for the scholarships. Applicants who have submitted their application by 31 March 2021 will be automatically considered for the Entry Scholarship through the admission interview process.

30 Dec, 2020


CBS undergraduate student wins the Outstanding Student Award of Faculty of Humanities 2020

Ms CHAN Cheuk Sze, a student of BA (Hons) in Language and Speech Sciences (BALSS), was awarded the Outstanding Student Award of Faculty of Humanities 2020 in recognition of her excellent all-round performance. Aside from excelling in her academic achievement, Ms Chan has also been active outside the classroom including practising her knowledge and skills through WIE (Work-Integrated Education) in our Speech Therapy Unit, service learning in promoting child and adolescent development in Hangzhou and Summer Language Exchange Programme in Korea. Her experiences of putting knowledge into practice have demonstrated how students could utilize what they have learned to broaden their horizons and convert their knowledge and skills into positive impacts on the communities. All this made her a perfect role model for our students. Congratulations!

22 Dec, 2020


PolyU team wins the Best Paper Award at top computational linguistics conference

Why do we all know that the word “finished” in the sentence “The editor finished the article” means ‘reading’ instead of its literal meaning? Prof Huang Chu-ren and Dr Emmanuele Chersoni of the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS) at PolyU study logical metonymy interpretation, which explains the processing behind sentence comprehension such as this one. Recently, their collaborative paper with Aix-Marseille University and The University of Pisa has been selected as the Best Paper of AACL-IJCNLP 2020*, one of the top conferences in computational linguistics, for its research excellence. Congratulations! Giulia Rambelli, Emmanuele Chersoni, Alessandro Lenci, Philippe Blache and Chu-Ren Huang. 2020. Comparing Probabilistic, Distributional and Transformer-Based Models on Logical Metonymy Interpretation. AACL-IJCNLP 2020* Best Paper. *AACL-IJCNLP 2020 is the abbreviation of “The 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing”.

3 Dec, 2020



PolyU-trained students win the Gold and Bronze medals in the 2nd Asia Pacific Linguistics Olympiad

Jointly trained by the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS) and the Department of English (ENGL), the Hong Kong Linguistics Olympiad (HKLO) team won 1 Gold, 1 Bronze and 6 Honorable Mentions in the Second Asia Pacific Linguistics Olympiad (APLO 2020). APLO 2020 was held simultaneously in 7 cities on 27 September 2020, including Shanghai, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Seoul, Taipei and Hong Kong. Congratulations to HKLO team!

11 Nov, 2020


Master of Speech Therapy (MST) offers UGC-funded fellowships to students admitted in 2021/22

Further to the full scholarship support from the Fu Tak Iam Foundation, PolyU’s Master of Speech Therapy (MST) programme has been awarded 10 UGC-funded fellowships by the University Grants Committee (UGC) for students admitted into the programme in the 2021/22 academic year. Each fellowship recipient will receive a maximum of $120,000 to pay the tuition fee. Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for MST and stay tuned for the application details of the UGC-funded fellowships! Details of MST:   Online application for MST (Deadline: 28 Feb 2021):   UGC Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme: Application Guidelines Application Form

8 Oct, 2020




本系與理大圖書館一直緊密合作,為「笹川杯品書知日本」徵文大獎賽校內初選進行評審工作,挑選出兩篇文章代表理大參加比賽。於本年度初選中勝出的兩名同學將可獲頒發證書及圖書禮券港幣500元,而在大獎賽中獲得一等獎的得獎者更有機會參與為期8天的日本訪問交流,實地考察和體驗日本的文化與生活,有興趣的同學萬勿錯過! 初選截止報名日期︰2020年8月28日 初選詳情︰

16 Aug, 2020



New Book Biliteracy and Trilingualism: Language Education Policy Research in Hong Kong

The first Chinese monograph on the language policy “Biliteracy and Trilingualism” and its planning in Hong Kong, titled “Biliteracy and Trilingualism: Language Education Policy Research in Hong Kong”, by Dr. Leung Wai-mun and Prof. David C.S. Li of the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS), with a foreword by Prof. William Wang, has just been released by the City University of Hong Kong Press, one of the major academic publishers in Hong Kong. Please click here for more information. Citation: Leung, W. M., & Li, D.C.S. (2020). Biliteracy and Trilingualism: Language Education Policy Research in Hong Kong. City University of Hong Kong Press. -------------------------------------- Table of Contents (in Chinese) 序言(王士元) 導言 作者簡介 香港「兩文三語」政策的制定與實踐 「兩文三語」政策下英語和普通話的學習 「三語」政策下粵語的使用現況、定位與發展 「兩文三語」政策下非華語學生的中文學習 香港「兩文三語」政策下的語文規劃 總結   附錄 參考文獻 後記

27 Jul, 2020


Faculty of Humanities Entry Scholarship for Outstanding HKDSE Students

In order to recruit high caliber students into our BA (Hons) in Linguistics and Translation (JS3818) and BA (Hons) in English Studies for the Professions (JS3832), the Faculty of Humanities is launching an entry scholarship for HKDSE students in the 2020/21 academic year. The Faculty of Humanities Entry Scholarship for Outstanding HKDSE Students will be provided to the admittees who have achieved excellent HKDSE results in 2020. The maximum scholarship amount that each awardee can receive is $35,000. Please click here for the details of the scholarship.

23 Jul, 2020


CBS student wins the HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship

Mr WAN Chi Lam, Year 2 student of BA (Hons) in Language and Speech Sciences (BALSS), was awarded the prestigious HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship (HK$50,000) in recognition of his outstanding academic performance and active contribution in community services in Hong Kong. Congratulations!

2 Jun, 2020


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