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20200219_Database of Word Level Statistics

PolyU's Mandarin Phonological Neighbourhood Data released globally

Developed by Dr Karl Neergaard, Dr Hongzhi Xu and our Prof Chu-Ren Huang, “Database of Word Level Statistics – Mandarin” has been globally released by the Linguistic Data Consortium at the University of Pennsylvania. The database provides lexical data of words and nonwords of Mandarin Chinese and is now accessible by all the scholars in the world for designing and implementing their future studies, particularly in the field of language processing.

18 Feb, 2020


PolyU-trained student wins Bronze Medal in the Online Olympiad in Linguistics 2020

Bui Ka (Amber) Chan from Hong Kong Linguistics Olympiad (HKLO) team [1] won bronze medal in the second Online Olympiad in Linguistics 2020 which was held in January this year. Online Olympiad in Linguistics 2020 started on Friday, January 24 (7:00 am UTC) and lasted till Monday, January 27 (10:00 pm UTC). This event brought together more than 500 high school students from 32 countries/regions. It is the first time for 6 Hong Kong delegates to attend this competition. These students were jointly trained by Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS) and Department of English (ENGL). For more information, please visit the Online Olympiad in Linguistics website: ______________ [1] Hong Kong team has 6 delegates

12 Feb, 2020



FH paper selected as Editors’ Choice by Lingua, a top journal in linguistics

The paper authored by Dr Qingqing Zhao (PhD '18, PolyU) of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Prof Chu-ren Huang of CBS and Prof Kathleen Ahrens of ENGL has been selected as one of Lingua's Editors’ Choices in 2020. Selected by Lingua's Editors as noteworthy and likely to be of high interest to the community, the paper will be available free of charge until the end of March 2020. Zhao, Huang and Ahrens (2019) 剛剛被選為2020年Lingua 主編特選之一;也就是發表於Lingua的論文中主編認為學術貢獻與影響潛力最高的論文。這篇論文在2020年三月底前視同開源,可以開放無償下載。歡迎與有興趣的同行分享。 Qingqing Zhao, Chu-Ren Huang, Kathleen Ahrens. Online first, 2019. Directionality of linguistic synesthesia in Mandarin: A corpus-based study. Lingua. Vol. 232, #1201744

30 Jan, 2020


CBS Postgraduate Scholarships

In order to recruit high caliber students who are determined to pursue academic research, the MA Scheme in Chinese, Linguistics and Translation is launching two scholarships in the 2020/21 academic year. CBS Postgraduate Scholarship is an entry scholarship, which offers 50% tuition wavier to applicants with outstanding intellectual potential to complete an MA thesis and have achieved excellent academic results in the qualifications already obtained. CBS Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarship is a graduation scholarship, which worth 50% of the tuition fee for graduates who have completed their MA thesis and graduated with excellent academic achievements. Distinguished students may receive both scholarships, which will be awarded full tuition fee in total. No separate application is required for the scholarships. Applicants who have submitted their application by 31 March 2020 will be automatically considered for the Entry Scholarship through the admission interview process.

17 Jan, 2020


President Emeritus Professor Poon Chung-kwong Scholarship 2019/20

Congratulations to CHUNG Hau Lam, BACBS Year 3 student, for being awarded the President Emeritus Professor Poon Chung-kwong Scholarship (HK$20,000).

27 Dec, 2019


Webinar 網上答問會

最後一個語言學及翻譯學(榮譽)文學士 (BALT) 及語言科學(榮譽)文學士 (BALSS)網上答問會將於11月23 日(星期六)下午3時至4時舉行,只需安坐家中,便可向BALT 及 BALSS 課程主任發問! 答問會網址︰ 註︰答問會將透過Skype For Business進行。安裝 Skype For Business 後,你可以訪客 (Guest) 身份參與網上答問會,無需預先登記。你可使用電腦(效果較佳)、平板電腦或手提電話參與網上答問會。

23 Nov, 2019



Webinar 網上答問會

想了解更多關於語言學及翻譯學(榮譽)文學士 (BALT) 及語言科學(榮譽)文學士 (BALSS) 的資料? 首個網上答問會將於本星期六 (9/11) 上午11時至中午12時舉行,由 BALT 及 BALSS 課程主任親自主持,即場解答你的問題! 只需按以下連結,即可透過 Skype for Business* 參與答問會! 16/11更有連串活動,讓你一嘗當言語科學家及即時傳譯員的滋味,名額有限,先到先得!有關詳情將在稍後於本網頁內公佈,敬請留意!(原訂於16/11舉行的活動將取消,敬請留意。) *註︰安裝 Skype For Business 後,你可以訪客 (Guest) 身份參與網上答問會,無需預先登記。你可使用電腦(效果較佳)、平板電腦或手提電話參與網上答問會。

9 Nov, 2019


Congratulations to Dr. Enrico Santus, one of our outstanding PhD graduates

Dr. Enrico Santus (PhD, PolyU-CBS 2016 and a HK PhD Fellowship Awardee from Italy), after a post-doctoral fellow and research position at MIT, has just accepted a research scientist position at Bayer, one of the leading pharmaceutical companies of the world. Dr. Santus has recently published joint papers in leading journals of the world such as Journal of Clinical Oncology (with MIT team), IEEE Access (with PolyU Team), and Journal of Natural Language Engineering (with PolyU team).

27 Sep, 2019


Congratulations to Dr. Hongzhi XU, one of our outstanding PhD graduates

Dr. Hongzhi XU (PhD, PolyU-CBS 2015), after a post-doctoral fellow and research position at UPenn, has just received a tenured Associate Professor position, with the special title of ‘Zhiyuan Young Scholar (志远青年学者)’ at the newly formed Research Center on Corpus Linguistics (Director: Prof. Hu Kaibao) at the Shanghai International Studies University (上外).

27 Sep, 2019



Best paper award, the 20th CLSW international conference

Congratulations to Ms. Zhong Yin, DALS doctoral student under Prof. Huang's supervision, who won the best paper award at the 20th CLSW international conference, for her joint paper with Prof. Huang entitled 'Eventivity and Auditory Modality: An Onto-Cognitive Account of Hearing Nouns in Mandarin Chinese'.

18 Jul, 2019


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