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[The programme will cease to admit 4-year-curriculum students in 2020-21 (i.e. last cohort of BACBS 4YC students will enter BDLCC as Y1 students in 2019-20), and cease to admit senior-year students in 2022-23 (i.e. last cohort of BACBS senior-year students will enter BACBS in 2021-22).]

The Single Discipline Major Pathway

A BACBS degree requires the accumulation of a minimum of 123 academic credits plus 3 training credits. Apart from 30 GUR credits in Table 1, students need to accumulate another 93 credits by completing

  1. 75 DSR credits plus 3 training credits listed in Table 2, 3 & 4 with at least 21 credits from level-4 subjects, and
  2. 18 elective credits from any academic departments of the University.

However, students have the option of completing all the remaining 18 credits from courses offered within the BACBS programme including subjects listed in Table 4, 5 and 6.

The Major and Minor Pathway

 A BACBS award with a Major in CBS and a Minor in a chosen area requires the accumulation of a minimum of 123 academic credits plus 3 training credits. In addition to the 30 GUR credits in Table 1, students need to accumulate another 93 credits by completing

  1. 75 DSR credits plus 3 training credits listed in Table 2, 3 & 4 and
  2. 18 credits by completing six relevant subjects listed in Table 5 (a Japanese Minor) or Table 6 (a Korean Minor) or in any Minor programmes  offered by ANOTHER department at PolyU. Among the 18 minor credits, at least 9 credits should be from subjects at Level 3 or above. A maximum of 6 credits from GUR subjects can be counted toward the Minor with the approval from the Minor-offering department. Under normal circumstances, the GPA of Minor subjects will not factor in the calculation of Major GPA.

Please note that students choosing this option will have to apply for a Minor. If they do not wish to declare a Minor, they should consider taking free electives, thus becoming a Single Discipline Major student (see above section on Single Discipline Major Pathway).

The Double Majors Pathway 

 A Double Majors  in Chinese and Bilingual Studies and English Studies for the Professions requires the accumulation of 156 relevant credits plus 3 training credits. Apart from 30 GUR credits in Table 1, students need to complete

  1. 75 DSR credits plus 3 training credits listed in Table 2, 3 & 4;
  2. 51 credits by completing at least 16 subjects (including all the compulsory subjects) offered by ENGL. Students who choose this academic pathway must earn 21 level-4 credits from BACBS plus 21 level-4 credits from BACBS and also 21 level-4 credits from BAESP. Double Major students will be exempted from taking WIE of the second Major.


 The subject list is subject to revision. Offering of subjects is subject to the availability of teaching staff and viable enrolment numbers. Some elective subjects will not be offered every year. The Department has the discretion on the offering semester and class quota, which is limited by classroom capacity.


(a) Language and Communication Requirements (9 credits)

(b) Freshman Seminar (3 credits)
(c) Leadership and Intra-Personal Development (3 credits)
(d) Service-Learning Subject offered by CBS or other departments (3 credits)
(e) Cluster Areas Requirement (CAR)

  • Human nature, relations and development (3 credits)
  • Community, organization and globalization (3 credits)
  • History, culture and world views (3 credits)
  • Science, technology and environment (3 credits)

(f) China Studies Requirement (3 of the 12 CAR subjects)
Note: The student must complete one of the four subjects designated as China-related subjects as described in (e).
(g) Healthy Lifestyle (Non-credit bearing)

Note: ENGL2003 “English for Advanced Academic Writing” and CBS2904 “Academic and Technical Chinese Writing” are double-counting subjects for students who choose the double-major academic pathway, which means the credits earned can not only fulfill the BACBS major requirement, but can also fulfill the BAESP major requirement.

(according to areas, excluding Japanese and Korean within CBS)

Bilingual Corporate Communication
Translation and Interpreting
Linguistics and Speech Sciences

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