
To facilitate the development and application of artificial intelligence in the fashion industry, the research team led by Prof. Calvin Wong of PolyU’s Institute of Textiles and Clothing collaborated with the Vision and Beauty Team at Alibaba to develop a "FashionAI Dataset". They conducted systematic analysis and labelling of fashion images, determining apparel key points (e.g. neckline, cuff, waistline) and classifying fashion attributes (e.g. sleeve length, collar type, skirt style).

The accuracy of fashion image analysis by computers is often determined by factors such as the dimension and shape of the apparel, distance and angle of shooting etc. Accurate classification of fashion attributes has wide application in fashion image searching, navigating tagging and mix-and-match ideas. It would help improve the accuracy of online fashion image searching, enhance effectiveness of cross-selling and up-selling, create innovative buying experience and facilitate customisation of online shopping platforms. Details>>