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理大物理系畢業生走上音樂路 創業推廣手碟文化 - 明報升學網

15 Jul, 2020

Recruitment of Student Assistant For Yr 1  Yr 3 Students2

Recruitment of Student Assistant (For Yr 1 - Yr 3 Students)

Application Form Download

30 May, 2020


Congratulations! Our Student obtained The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships

We are very pleased to inform all of you that our undergraduate student  - LIU Yu, has received the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) Scholarship funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (the Trust). LIU has obtained the scholarship covering his tuition fee and living allowance for 2 years. Also, LIU is the only Chinese mainland students in Hong Kong who received the award this year.   The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships Established in 1998, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships are dedicated to nurturing local talent. Under this Trust-Initiated Project, some HK$400 million in scholarships has so far been awarded to more than 500 young people to pursue their studies. The project has grown significantly over the past twenty years, expanding to include students with special educational needs, vocational education students and postgraduate students at the University of Oxford and Harvard University. The Scholarships reward outstanding students, known as JC Scholars, for their intellect, character, leadership qualities and commitment to service. A Scholarship Secretariat has been set up to provide the Scholars with opportunities for learning, personal development and social service. It endeavours to help them become future community leaders.

7 May, 2020

Congratulations to Professor Dai Jiyan_1

Congratulations to Professor Dai Jiyan has received the first-class prize in the 2019 Guangdong Province Science and Technology Award

PolyU researchers shine in the 2019 Guangdong Province Science and Technology Award, a total of five out of 179 researches on the award list are honoured from PolyU, received two first class prizes on natural science, one second-class prize on natural science and two second-prizes on scientific and technological progress. Professor Dai Jiyan, Professor of the Department of Applied Physics (AP) rewarded the first-class prize on natural science with the study of ferroelectric and dielectric physics. Prof. Dai and the research team were working on the project since early 2000, which has developed a new series of perovskite ferroelectric materials (in the form of thin film, nanotube, and nanowire) with low dielectric loss, high-quality factor and large piezo-response. These excellent properties have been attributed to relaxation-type ferroelectric characteristics forming polarized nanodomains which greatly improve ferroelectric energy storage density. Such materials have high potential applications in 5G microwave devices such as dielectric tuning, phase shifter, as well as dynamic random-access memory and piezoelectric transducers. In this project, Prof. Dai’s group has done pioneer works in fabrication and piezoelectric microscopy (PFM) study of lead zirconate titanate nanowires and bismuth ferrite nanotubes. Compared with ferroelectric thin films, these nanostructured piezoelectric materials are expected to achieve larger piezo-response with potential applications in miniatured transducer devices. Such pioneer works have been followed up by many research groups demonstrating their high impact. Two research papers had being listed among 10 selected papers for the award, as well as that was cited many times worldwide.     Figure 1 &2. SEM images of PZT nanowires Figure 3 &4. SEM images of BFO nanotubes in nanochannel porous alumina Figure 5. Piezoelectric hysteresis loop of a single BFO nanotube measured by pirzoresponse force microscopy.       News coverage: 理大港大參與粵科研獲年度大獎 粵科技獎出爐港校七項目奪殊榮 涉5G新材料生物醫學灣區合作成果湧現     For media inquiries and interviews with the scientists, please send an email to

6 Apr, 2020

粵科技獎出爐 港校七項目奪殊榮 - 大公報

26 Mar, 2020

理大港大參與粵科研 獲年度大獎 - 商報

26 Mar, 2020

FAQ for Undergraduate Students in 2019-20 Sem 2 (updated by 2 March, 2020)

A. Teaching Arrangement 1. When will the online teaching start? 3- 9 February 2020: There will be no teaching activities. 10 February to 14 March 2020: Online teaching (plus e-learning) will be conducted instead of face-to-face teaching. 16 – 28 March 2020: Recess Period, all teaching activities will be suspended for a period of two weeks or longer from 16 March 2020, depending on the development of the novel coronavirus epidemic A 'Student Guide to Online Learning' website has been prepared, which provide useful information that help you to make the most of your online education.   2. What is the arrangement for the courses which involve lab sessions? Different lab courses may have different arrangements. The subject lecturer will upload information about the course in due course and tell you what to do through blackboard.   3. How about AP40004 (Final Year Project) & AP20014 (Innovation Project)? For AP40004, It is possible to rearrange experiments or changes the research topics if you have difficulties in continuing your experimental works. Please discuss with your project supervisor about the arrangement. For AP20014, please discuss with the subject lecturers about the arrangement.   4. When will the add-drop period start? Adjustment before Semester Commencement: 31 January – 9 February 2020 Add/Drop Period: 10 – 22 February 2020 During the last 2 days of the add/drop period (i.e. 21 – 22 February 2020) Students can retake passed subjects, except for GUR subjects. Students of Full-time programmes and students studying Part-time/Mixed-mode Undergraduate Degree programmes with General University Requirements (GUR), can take additional subjects outside curriculum to broaden their knowledge. If students have genuine needs to drop a subject of 2019-20 Semester 2 after the Add/Drop Period, students will be required to submit the late drop requests to the programme offering departments by 6 March 2020 through email.   B. Academic Advising 1. How to contact my Academic advisor? You can send an email or call the office phone numbers of the advisor. You can check the information of your academic advisor via eStudent. eStudent> My Advisor> Academic Advising   C. Others 1. Why there is no information available about my course? Please contact the subject lecturer by email after you have registered the course. The subject lecturer will reply to you within a few days. 2. I cannot find my Academic Advisors or subject lecturers. What can I do? You may contact Ms. Meijei Wong (email: for assistance. 3. I am not able to come back to Hong Kong and there is only limited access to the internet from my home town. We can only provide online resources now. You should report any difficulties regarding learning to your academic advisor as soon as you can.   Below updated by 2 March, 2020 Arrangement of subject late drop (until 6 Mar) ( Self-help website for online teaching delivery ( New VPN for access from Mainland China ( Declare graduation (, and checking the fulfilment of graduation requirement (via reference checklist) Application for HK Observatory internship (see AP Facebook page)

6 Feb, 2020

FAQ for Undergraduate Students (updated by Dec 16, 2019)

Part A - About Sem 1 courses Q: How will coursework marks be calculated? A: Your subject lecturers will contact you by email or on ways of conducting on-line teaching and learning using various means such as Blackboard, WeChat or Skype. The coursework assessment arrangement, which varies from subject to subject, will also be communicated to you by your subject lecturers.   (Please also refer to AR Notice email on 14 Nov titled ‘Cancellation of face-to-face teaching’)     Q: When and how will Sem 1 final exam be conducted? A: At the moment AR is working on a solution for the examination arrangement. We will keep you updated for any development.     Q: I’m now NOT in Hong Kong. Should I come back for final exam? A: Non-local students or exchange students at PolyU no longer need to stay in Hong Kong for the rest of the semester, as teaching and learning activities will be delivered on-line during this period. Concerning final exam, AR is working on a solution for the examination arrangement. We will keep you updated for any development. (Please also refer to AR Notice email on 14 Nov titled ‘Cancellation of face-to-face teaching’)     Q: When will Sem 1 exam timetable be released? A: For the final exam of AP10001, AP10005, AP10006, AP10008, AP10009 and AP20015, the exam timetable will be released on 24 Dec 2019. Students can access the information via eStudent on that day.     Q:  If I have to go for exchange in Sem 2, will I miss the exam of Sem 1? A: At the moment AR is working on a solution for the examination arrangement. We will keep you updated for any development. You are advised to contact your academic advisor and subject lecturers and inform them about your plan for exchange in Sem 2, such that proper arrangements can be made with sufficient preparation.     Part B - About semester 2 Q: What’s the schedule of Sem 2 course registration? A:  The class timetable of Sem 2 will be released on 13 Dec 2019. For the compulsory subjects, we have already pre-assigned to you. You can perform ‘Mock run of Subject Registration’ from 16- 23 Dec 2019 and ‘Subject Registration’ from 2 - 7 Jan 2020. There is no update from AR about subject registration postponement. We will keep you updated for any development. You may need to refer to your reference checklist when performing course registration.  At e-student page, take the following path: eStudent --> Study Information --> Reference Checklist (Trial Run Version) – (Subjects Taken vs Your Graduation Requirements)    You may need to refer to your reference checklist when performing course registration. At e-student page, take the following path: eStudent --> Study Information --> Reference Checklist (Trial Run Version) – (Subjects Taken vs Your Graduation Requirements)     Q: Can I proceed with the exchange scheduled in Sem 2? A: Please contact IAO for further information.     Part C - About other facilities Q: I feel very depressed and anxious due to the situation. A: This is a very difficult time for you, your families/ friends and people around you. If you wish to talk about your anxiety and emotions, please email Sharon at OCW (, or call 2766 6800 (office hours) or 3161-8123 (non-office hours) If the issues are related to your studies, please contact your academic advisor or programme leaders (EP: Dr. Peter Tsang; OPT: Prof. F. Yan, HD: Dr. C.H. Lam) for assistances.     Q: I have books that are due. What should I do? A: Library is closed now. Please return your items within three days when the Library reopens. If you have difficulty, please contact Library via email ( and provide your name, Student ID, titles of the library items and reason for the request. (Please also refer to Library Notice email on 15 Nov titled ‘Special Arrangements for Library Users’)

22 Nov, 2019

Congratulations Dr ZHAO Jiong has received Chinas 2019 Excellent Young Scientists Fund

Congratulations! Dr. ZHAO Jiong has received China's 2019 Excellent Young Scientists Fund

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has announced the awardees of the Excellent Young Scientists Fund. Dr. ZHAO Jiong, Assistant Professor of Department of Applied Physics (AP) has achieved outstanding results in the 2019 Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau), as well as will receive a funding of RMB1.3 million to directly support their scientific research projects in Hong Kong to a maximum period of three years. The fund was extended to Hong Kong and Macau for the first time this year exclusively for applications by eight designated universities. It was highly competitive that said 25 projects are funded for Hong Kong and Macau, Dr. ZHAO was one of the young scientist awarded with his project titled “Experimental nanomechanics on two-dimensional materials”. In this project, they plan to continue the experimental investigations on the bending, defects, phase transitions, and van der Waals forces/energies of the two-dimensional materials and conduct quantitative mechanical analysis based on a series of atomic-resolution fast imaging approaches developed through the project. Three-dimensional imaging and computer-aided analysis methods will be applied to the two-dimensional materials of atomic thickness, laying a solid foundation for the future applications of two-dimensional materials.   For media enquiries and interviews with the scientists, please send email to

5 Nov, 2019

研儀器持續合成葡萄糖 理大新發明紓糧食危機 - 晴報

18 Oct, 2019

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