LAM Chun Him
JSTI Group provides engineering consultancy services in China and overseas countries.
Chun Him worked at the Traffic and Bridge Department and his responsibility was to transform 2D graphs into 3D models. It was not as simple as it seemed because even tiny details had to be included in 3D models. Luckily, his supervisor was very friendly, and he taught Chun Him how to read an actual construction graph and introduced some useful programmes to him, like SAP2000. Chun Him is also more familiar with AutoCAD and MicroStation now.

MAK Hiu Ching
Hiu Ching worked as a software engineer at Tuniu Corporation, a travel agency in Nanjing. During the internship, one of her responsibilities was to help improve and find bugs in the systems and then write a detailed report for the system development team.

WONG Man Fai
Man Fai worked at the smart city institute in the JSTI Group this summer.
During the internship, his duties and responsibilities included facilitating different company projects. First, he was assigned to the Project Management (PM) system project, which provides IT solutions to the customer and ensures that the project can be delivered on time. Then, he was assigned to learn how to use the Sophon software, an AI software with big data processing. Later, he was assigned to build a Hadoop cluster platform and develop a word-counting Map-Reduce system in this platform.

YAU Chi Lam
Nanjing Library is the third-largest library in China and the fourth-largest in Asia.
During the internship there, Chi Lam rotated between the Historical Archive Department and the Reader’s Service Department, which comprised various reading rooms and a children’s library. In the Historical Archive Department, Chi Lam learnt how to protect and restore antique books and periodicals. In the Reader’s Service Department, Chi Lam also assisted readers.