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ME Student Team win Gold at ASM Technology Award 2019

24 Jul 2019

Student News

CHOW Hung Ming, Roy (middle) and Dr Henry Chu (right) receive the trophy from Dr Gary Widdowson, Vice President and Product General Manager of ASM Pacific Technology Hong Kong Limited (left) on behalf of the winning team.

The student team, formed by CHOW Hung Ming, Roy (3rd from left); SHIN Ji Ho (3rd from right); and SOMESHWAR Rudra Ajay (2nd from left), won the Gold Award at the ASM Technology Award 2019.

A student team from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) won the Gold Award for its ingenious robot design at the ASM Technology Award 2019. 

The annual event has been organised since 2015 to recognise excellence in technology, showcasing outstanding final year projects of undergraduates from top faculties and schools of engineering in Hong Kong.

PolyU's trio - Roy CHOW Hung-ming; Ji-ho SHIN; and Rudra Ajay SOMESHWAR, under the supervision of Dr Henry CHU, Assistant Professor, and Dr Curtis NG, Technical Support Group Leader, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of PolyU, presented their final year project titled "ASME Competition Robot Development & Vision Based Target Alignment" and was honoured with the Gold Award at the competition. This was the fifth time that PolyU participated in the event and the second time that a PolyU team won the championship.

The project developed by the PolyU winning team was a semi-automated robot with a unique gripper design for garbage collection with the aid of vision-based alignment. The robot featured a motorised platform for navigating a compact environment, a micro-controller system for wireless communication and control, and a vision-based system for object detection and robot positioning. It was developed in two stages with design inspiration from studying real-life tools such as robotic arms, forklift and dump cart.

Initially, the team planned to design a robot for the Student Design Competition organised by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), in which they were challenged to develop a fully functional prototype that can quickly and carefully pick up and return balls back to the starting area. The students then showed how their device could be transformed into an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) for garbage collection using advanced image processing techniques in the ASM Technology Award contest. "The students are eager to learn new knowledge and technology, and able to integrate them into the project to enhance the robot performance and functionality. They have developed new modules for the robot to demonstrate the potential of transforming it for use in real life," said Dr Chu.

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