
Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan

The Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC), in its 33rd and 34th meetings, discussed and made decisions regarding the plan for learning outcomes assessment at PolyU. This document is a summary of the major decisions of LTC on this matter. It describes PolyUˇ¦s overall framework and processes for outcomes assessment, and puts forth a tentative plan for implementing outcomes assessment at the institutional and programme levels for 2008-12.

In 2012, the Institutional Outcomes Assessment Plan (IOAP) endorsed by the LTC was implemented. The IOAP for the next triennium 2016-2019 is currently in development.

Recognising the success and maturity of outcomes assessment at the undergraduate level, in 2013 LTC decided to extend outcomes assessment to all taught postgraduate programmes.

A list of key documents related to the Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan at PolyU:

  • Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan [LOAP] 2008-12 [download]
  • Institutional Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan 2012-15 (also covering 2016 roll-over year)[download]
  • Implementation of Programme Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan for Taught Postgraduate Programmes [download]