
OBE Working Group
Terms of Reference
  1. To advise and make recommendations to the Senior Management via AVP (LT) on policies, plans and organizational structures to support the implementation of outcome-based approaches in student learning.

  2. To steer and monitor the implementation of outcome-based approaches in student learning in the PolyU, including the setting of goals, timetables and milestones.

  3. To devise strategies and review their effectiveness for cultivating ownership of the initiative by frontline teaching staff and middle management.

  4. To involve students in promoting and implementing outcome-based approaches in student learning.

  5. To work with and support Faculties/Schools, Departments and teaching staff in developing and implementing outcome-based approaches in their programmes and subjects.

  6. To promote the dissemination and sharing of good practices in outcome-based approaches to teaching, learning and assessment.

  7. To disburse, administer and report on funds earmarked for the development of outcome-based approaches in student learning.

  8. To report via AVP (LT) to the Senior Management and the UGC on the progress of the implementation of outcome-based approaches in student learning in the PolyU.

    17th October 2013

