PolyU adopts OBE as an institutional strategy to further enhance and assure the quality of our programmes and outcomes. Our model of OBE embodies four dynamically related focuses [Figure 1].
Figure 1: OBE model practiced at PolyU

In PolyU's Strategic plan, it lists the desired graduate attributes expected of PolyU's graduates at undergraduate level, and these attributes were articulated into institutional student learning outcomes. As a tradition, all PolyU programmes have clearly specified in their Definitive Programme Documents the programme aims and objective, taking into consideration the Universityˇ¦s overarching teaching and learning objectives for the award level, professional accreditation requirements, as well as the needs and expectations of the industry and society. Thus, the foundation for an outcome-based education had been laid much earlier than 2004 when PolyU launched the Curriculum Revision to move towards OBE formally.
Since 2004, PolyU has taken various actions to address the four focuses of our OBE model. At the same time, we have introduced changes at the system level to enable and sustain institution-wide impact.
OBE has been implemented at PolyU over 15 years. Its development has reached a mature and stable stage. All departments and units will continue this development and the achievement of better teaching and learning outcomes. The following time-charts summarise the major milestones from 2004 to 2016 under three headings:
- Enhancing programme quality for achieving learning outcomes
- Learning outcomes assessment
- System level development in OBE
Enhancing programme quality for achieving learning outcomes
Underpinned by the OBE model, our Curriculum Revision in 2004 emphasized a clear articulation of intended student learning outcomes and the alignment of teaching, learning and assessment with them.

Learning outcomes assessment
As an integral part of our efforts in pursuing OBE, we have developed and implemented a two-tier Institutional Learning Outcome Assessment Plan to strengthen the systematic collection, review and use of outcomes data for continual quality improvement.

System level development in OBE
In parallel with the development of OBE at programme and subject levels, we have also introduced changed at the system level to enable and sustain institution-wide impact.

The key events and news related to OBE at PolyU since 2004 have been archived on this page.
In the early stage, a group of enthusiastic faculty members conducted pilot projects to try out innovations with an OBE approach to improve their programmes/ subjects and enhance student learning. This pilot experience had helped these teachers continuously reflect and evaluate their practice so as to improve their teaching and student learning. Their experiences are documented in the database which can be accessed via this link.