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OUS Photo Contest 2023

Celebrating the quintessence of Chinese culture with charismatic Hong Kong images

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Everyone can be a photographer and capture precious moments. However, what features of photography can make it even more special and popular?

Hong Kong has many visitors and residents who originate from overseas, as the urban allure of the city has a magnetic attraction for people from around the world. This is where Eastern and Western cultures converge, where the city blends seamlessly with the countryside, where the hustle and bustle of a metropolis is a stone’s throw away from a world-class geological wonder. The unique appeal of this Pearl of the Orient encourages everyone to pursue their dreams.

In this photography contest, entrants are encouraged to showcase their creativity and to use a novel and sensitive perspective to uncover and showcase our city, our culture, the beauty of nature, everyday life, and the people or events that touch our hearts. Tell the Hong Kong story through your pictures! Visualise the unique charisma of Hong Kong and engage the world with stunning imagery!



  • To understand the colourful characteristics of Hong Kong through the eyes of different people;
  • To share the anecdotes of this diverse city;
  • To enhance aesthetic sensibility through photography; and
  • To uncover the beauty of Hong Kong by highlighting the minute details of daily life.

Submission categories:

  • Nature: Photographs that heighten the public’s awareness about wildlife and nature conservation by featuring the biodiversity of the terrestrial and underwater ecologies of Hong Kong. This includes landscape photographs that focus on the mesmerising countryside of Hong Kong by featuring its natural beauty, outdoor activities and people’s interactions with nature.
  • Cityscape: Photographs that creatively display the metropolitan allure of Hong Kong by depicting its urban life and revealing the potential and pulse of the city.
  • People and Culture: Photographs that epitomise the heart-warming Hong Kong spirit by capturing its people and events and featuring personal portraits and images of everyday life. In particular, photographs that highlight the talents, personalities, flexibility, and adaptability of people of Hong Kong as well as Hong Kong as a melting pot of Chinese and Western cultures.

All full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Important Dates:
Entry submission deadline: 11:59 pm, 30 September 2023 (HKT)
Entries to be shortlisted by the panel of judges: October, 2023
Display of shortlisted entries and polling: November, 2023
Evaluation of the entries by the panel of judges and announcement of results: Mid-November to early December, 2023


Please refer to the entry instructions for the detailed submission requirements.


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