
current students

UGC “Whole-person Development Fund” – Mini-conference 2023/24

Understanding the Development of the Nation

20231130 Event Poster


This University Grant Committee (UGC) has provided financial support for the project aiming to promote undergraduate students’ understanding of the achievements made and the challenges faced by the Nation. All full- time undergraduate students are welcome to join this project.



  • To understand the achievements made and the challenges faced by the Nation;
  • To cultivate critical analysis and reflective skills regarding the Nation’s achievements and challenges;
  • To develop and enhance skills in poster/video production and oral presentation skills through participation in the mini-conference.

Selected applicants will be given a subsidy of $2‚000 to produce the project.


All full-time undergraduate students of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Important Dates:
Registration and Project plan submission deadline: 29 February 2024
Entries to be shortlisted by the panel of judges: Early March 2024
Project production: Mid-March to April 2024
Project submission: April 2024
Project presentation at PolyU: June 2024


Please refer to the entry instructions for the detailed submission requirements.


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