PolyU is committed to nurturing and promoting a culture of innovation, excellence and impact. Recently, six young PolyU researchers were honoured with the “PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award” (YIRA) 2023 in recognition of their outstanding research endeavours in tackling global challenges.


The awardees are dedicated to research in the fields of renewable energy, wearable rehabilitation devices, nanotechnology, soft materials to aid the visually impaired, human-machine manufacturing systems and information networks.


Their research aims to create a sustainable future and improve human life, showcasing PolyU’s academic and research excellence in developing solutions.


Prof. Christopher Chao, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation), said, “It gives me great pleasure to chair the award panel again this year. Our young researchers showcase novelty in their work which contributes to technological advancement and drives transformational innovation towards solutions for societal problems.”


PolyU is committed to supporting young researchers. The Award recognises faculty members under the age of 35 who have demonstrated research excellence in addressing global challenges. Click here to learn about our awardees and their research work.


Congratulations to our young innovators:

  • Dr Songhua Cai, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics

  • Dr Ho Lam Heung, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Building and Real Estate

  • Dr Kai Leng, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics

  • Dr Yuan Ma, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • Dr Shuowen Zhang, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering

  • Dr Pai Zheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering