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GSAP Swearing-in Ceremony 2021/22

The annual signature event “Global Student Ambassador Programme: Swearing-in Ceremony 2021/22” was held online on 16 February 2022. Professor Ben Young, Vice President (Student and Global Affairs), delivered a speech to welcome the new ambassadors, indicating the appreciation on their commitment and the importance of their continuous learning in various aspects. In view of the local pandemic situation, the participants "travelled" to a virtual mini-metaverse where Professor Young and Professor Albert Chan, Dean of Students, kicked off the ceremony. The professors also served as the witnesses as over 85 ambassadors made their pledge to become a Global Student Ambassador. A group photo was taken to commemorate this memorable moment after the pledge. To conclude the ceremony in a fun and interactive way, an online game "How much do you know PolyU?", was prepared to test how well the ambassadors knew of the University, such as PolyU's latest achievements and historic events.

16 Feb, 2022

Event Highlights

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First-ever collaborative talk series with Chinese Mainland Students’ Association on scam

To step up combating actions against deception and enhance university students’ awareness of various kinds of deception and scams, SAO and the Chinese Mainland Students’ Association (中國內地學生協會) jointly initiated a collaborative talk series and co-organised the first talk at the beginning of Semester 2 on 14 January 2022. The talk was tailormade to motivate mainland students to learn more about telephone deception tricks and to raise the awareness of cultivating a caring network to safeguard the well-being of their peers who might fall prey to fraudulent crimes.  Vice President (Student and Global Affairs), Prof Ben Young, supported the initiative amid the surge of telephone deception cases in which more and more university students, in particular those from the Chinese Mainland, have been tricked by fraudsters into handing over personal bank information to scam callers who claim to be bank staff, mainland officials or law enforcers. The talk was delivered online by experienced speakers from the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC, 反詐騙協調中心) of Hong Kong Police Force and was well received by around 70 students at undergraduate, postgraduate and research levels. Anti-scam alert pamphlets and promotional gifts produced by ADCC were given out to equip students with additional tips for recognising and combating spam and scam calls.

14 Jan, 2022

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Dean of Students Talk Series: Bionic Human and the Quest for Transcendence

Over 130 participants joined the  Dean of Students Talk on “Bionic Human and the Quest for Transcendence” held on 26 November 2021 in hybrid mode. Prof. Arthur Fuk-Tat Mak, Adjunct Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, shared his knowledge and views on the development of bionic technology, the reference of bionic human in mass media, and the human quest for transcendence. A Q&A session, facilitated by the Dean of Students Prof. Albert Chan, was conducted after Prof. Mak’s insightful sharing. Prof. Ben Young, Vice President (Student and International Affairs), presented a souvenir to Prof. Mak as a token of thanks at the end of the talk.

26 Nov, 2021

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Annual Gathering of INSPIRE Mentorship Programme

The Annual Gathering of “INSPIRE” Mentorship Programme was held at Jockey Club Auditorium on 27 October 2021. This occasion provided an opportunity for PolyU to express our wholehearted gratitude to all the 109 highly-esteemed Mentors, who facilitated the holistic education experience of the 349 student Mentees through heart-to-heart communication and positive role modelling, and promoted their all-round development in Academic Year 2020/21. The event was kicked off by President Jin-Guang Teng, who delivered a welcome address, and followed by Prof. Haitian Lu, Chairman of Task Force on “INSPIRE” Mentorship Programme, who shared updates on “INSPIRE”. A video prepared by Mentees was played, where they shared their takeaways from the Programme and expressed their heartfelt gratitude to their Mentors. After group photo-taking of PolyU representatives and Mentors, a sharing session between Mentors and Mentees was conducted. Dr Charles Lam, Managing Director, Real Estate of Baring Private Equity Asia, and Mr Stephen Au, Managing Director of MTECH Engineering Co. Ltd., along with 4 of their Mentees, came onto the stage and talked about their experience of the Programme. As a token of appreciation to Dr Lam and Mr Au, Prof. Ben Young, Vice President (Student and International Affairs) and Prof. Albert Chan, Dean of Students presented a souvenir to them respectively at the end of the sharing session to wrap up the event.

27 Oct, 2021

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Dean of Students Talk Series: Reborn as an Astropreneur

Dr Gregg Li, aka Dr G, the executive chairman of The Orion Astropreneur Space Academy (Hong Kong), delivered a Dean of Students Talk titled “Reborn as an Astropreneur” on 22 October 2021. Dr G shared why space entrepreneurship is the new frontier, its importance, and how can one take the first step to become an astropreneur. Facilitated by Prof. Albert Chan, Dean of Students, a Q&A session was conducted after Dr G’s interesting sharing. To express our appreciation, Prof. Ben Young, Vice President (Student and International Affairs) presented a souvenir to Dr G as a conclusion of the talk.

22 Oct, 2021

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Grand Opening Ceremony of the Global Student Hub

The Grand Opening Ceremony of the Global Student Hub was successfully held on 18 October 2021 (Monday).  The official ceremony was graced by the presence of the Deputy President and Provost Prof. Wing-tak Wong, together with the Central Management Team and over 70 staff members and students. Addressing the ceremony, Prof. Wing-tak Wong said, “The Global Student Hub is a new on-campus facility.  It is a key step towards further promoting student development, integration and internationalisation. The University is not just providing a new physical space for student activities, it is providing a place to help develop our local and non-local students’ ability to connect with peers from diverse backgrounds and to become more open-minded in embracing cultural differences  – an invaluable quality in our inter-connected world.”  Student performers from the Hall Dance Team and the Indonesian Student Association, non-local students and orchestra members added colours to the occasion with their cultural performances.

18 Oct, 2021

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PolyU Blood Donation Campaign 2021

Riding on the success of the PolyU Blood Donation Campaign held since 2018, PolyU’s Student Affairs Office and Global Engagement Office, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS), organised the Blood Donation Campaign from 5 – 7 Oct (Mobile blood drive) & 25 – 28 October (Promotion vehicle to drive collection to PolyU Donor Centre). Over 550 students and staff members participated in the blood donation campaign, with 414 units of blood collected successfully. Among these successful blood donation cases, 72% or 299 of them were first-time donors. In recognition of PolyU’s continued support in driving blood donation on campus and promoting a positive message to the public, Dr C K Lee, Chief Executive and Medical Director of the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, presented the “Elite Partnership Award 2021” to Prof. Ben Young, Vice President (Students and International Affairs). Newly launched in 2021, the award recognises some very enthusiastic partners in the commercial and community sectors that contribute to blood donation in Hong Kong.

5 Oct, 2021

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President's Sharing Session with Students

With the commencement of a new academic year, over 150 students joined the President’s sharing session and exchanged views with the Central Management Team (CMT) on 27 September 2021. President Teng gave a presentation on the University’s latest development and achievements, and CMT replied to questions raised by participants. The major areas of concern raised by students include postgraduate study, outbound exchange, catering service, and research support and development.  The sharing session is a great opportunity for the CMT to communicate with students and move forward to build a better PolyU together.

27 Sep, 2021

Event Highlights

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SPORTify: Wellness and Multicultural Experience

To promote physical wellness and foster cross-cultural connections on campus, the Students’ Union, with the support from the Student Affairs Office (SAO), piloted a student integration and wellness campaign, SPORTify programme. The programme offers free walk-in sessions at the sports facilities on weekdays. Students from different backgrounds are welcome to join and play sports with their peers. The programme was successfully launched this summer. Eight free sports sessions were scheduled in August 2021 engaging both local and non-local students. The free sessions covered four types of popular sports including Badminton, Basketball, Table Tennis and Tennis. Since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, students’ university life has changed drastically. Many regular face-to-face activities inevitably went online or were even cancelled under the anti-pandemic measures. The new norm undoubtedly limits social interactions among peers. The Students’ Union with the great support from SAO drives this campaign to reactivate students’ social life in a wellness context. Amid challenges, this pilot activity was well received by more than 30 students across different disciplines, including undergraduates and postgraduates from various countries/regions. ‘SPORTify players not only get the chance to exercise and stay healthy but also meet new friends to develop multi-cultural connections,’ commented one of the fans of the Students’ Union Sports Affairs Group. A casual basketball group was formed behind the scenes. 10 sports lovers have been connected after the foremost SPORTify basketball session held on 6 August. Johnny, one of the members in the group, shared that ‘There were only 10 of us in the group in the beginning. More students joined the group after getting word-of-mouth recommendations from active basketball players. We are from different years of study, disciplines and backgrounds. It is so cool to make new friends across the campus. SPORTify offers a really nice opportunity for students to create bonding! We are now a group of over 40 basketball freaks. Can’t wait to play the 4th game together and definitely more to come!’

17 Sep, 2021

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Online PolyU Orientation Info Day 2021

Hosted by the Student Affairs Office, over 1,300 students joined the Orientation Info Day on 27 Aug 2021, and experienced the online orientation via Zoom. Supported by 11 different PolyU administrative offices and 23 student organisations, students learnt about the University support services, holistic student development programmes and student activities through lively communication activities such as online games, presentations, and dialogues with staff and senior students. They were inspired to step up their efforts and start their new exciting journey in PolyU.

27 Aug, 2021

Event Highlights

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