These five key attributes define how EAGLE aims to nurture students to become socially-conscious global future leaders:
Distinguished Features
EAGLE is a comprehensive and unique programme. It comprises of four distinguished features and offers a holistic experience to student’s advancement:

Led by Experts
Leaders' Mindset and Skills
EAGLE the Adventurers
EAGLE the Adventurers is a one-year holistic leadership enhancement scheme to train students through a series of workshops, camps and local engagement focusing on social innovation and co-creation.
Students will be offered a platform to develop their own social projects. They will understand the local needs in Nepal and co-create the social projects with a Nepali community online, followed by an offshore expedition to Nepal, visiting renowned organizations and executing the social projects together with the locals. Lastly, students shall present their learning journey to a wider community for greater inspirations.

Holistic Leadership Enhancement with Projects in Nepal