EIM-OC Gold Campus Award

PolyU receives the Gold Campus Award for Exercise is Medicine on Campus
We are glad to announce that PolyU receives the Gold Campus Award this year. Exercise is Medicine® On Campus (EIM-OC) of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is a global health initiative that aims to create a culture of wellness on campus. With the achievement of the Bronze Award in joining the EIM in the first year in 2018, followed by the Silver Award in 2020 and 2021, we attained the Gold-level recognition starting from 2022 until present.
For a campus-wide initiative to be successful, it requires valuable collaborations such as that developed between Wellness Centre, SAO and the UHS, along with the support from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Computing. We will continue to create a wellness culture on campus by organising various wellness activities, please stay tuned.