Sept 2025 Entry
4 years (including 1 year with common curriculum)
At least 120–124 (plus training credits)
- The credit requirements of this scheme are indicative only. They are subject to review.
- Students will be awarded one of the following awards upon successful completion of the graduation requirements of the programme concerned:
1. BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Analytics
2. BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence - Students may enrol in any awards without being subject to further assessment.
- The option of a Secondary Major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE) is available to students of the BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Analytics. Admission to the Secondary Major is competitive and is subject to a different credit requirement for graduation. Please see Secondary Major Details for further information.
What's New
This 4-year full-time scheme is designed to provide students with solid training in mathematical, statistical and computer programming skills, with special emphasis on applications in investment and finance analytics or data science and analytics.
All admitted students embark on a Common Year One curriculum. Towards the end of year one, students can decide whether to continue with their initial choice or switch to another choice within the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences. Those who wish to switch can choose their preferred departmental scheme/programme through a ranking assessment.
This Scheme comprises the following two undergraduate Major programmes:
BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Analytics
This Major focuses on training graduates with expertise that spans the core disciplines of mathematics, statistics and computer science. It emphasises the critical arc from data to information, information to knowledge, and knowledge to decision-making.
The BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence
This Major is designed to cultivate financial technologists who can develop intelligent software applications and innovative finance solutions. It equips graduates with good fundamental computing knowledge with a focus on AI, sound financial concepts and the strong intellectual and practical skills that they will need to apply computing technologies in finance and related areas. Graduates of this Major are able to adapt to today’s fast-changing technologies, economies and societies.
Career Prospects
The BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Analytics is designed to develop students’ analytical, critical thinking, problem-solving and communication skills, nurturing an outlook and methodology that equip graduates to pursue careers in diverse fields, such as telecoms, information technology, market research, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, investment banking, fund management, risk management and financial product development and pricing.
BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence graduates are expected to become financial technologists who can fill the talent gap in the fast-growing FinTech field. Opportunities in FinTech are extensive both in Hong Kong and worldwide and include careers in sectors such as financial consultancy, AI consultancy, financial data analysis, FinTech system development and entrepreneurship.
Professional Recognition
BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Analytics
- Graduates can apply for partial exemption from the professional assessment of Hong Kong Statistical Society (HKSS), and Royal Statistical Society (RSS).
BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence
- The programme has been granted full accreditation by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).
- Graduates can apply for membership in the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
All admitted students will embark on a Common Year One curriculum within the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences.
Years Two to Four: Students are streamed into one of the two Majors under the Scheme based on their individual preferences. They continue to complete subjects required by the Major.
Information on the subjects offered is available at
The option of a Secondary Major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE) is available to students of the BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Analytics.
Selection Criteria
Studying a Secondary Major is not mandatory. Only students with a cumulative GPA of 2.70 or above will be considered for Secondary Major enrolment. Each Secondary Major may stipulate additional selection criteria for admission. To be admitted to the Secondary Major, students must apply to and obtain approval from the programme-offering Department no later than the commencement of the second year of study.
Credit Requirements
The students of the BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Analytics (DSA) with a Secondary Major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE) are required to complete 148 credits for graduation.
* Including 2 training credits
# Students of the DSA + IE route may accrue up to 6 credits for double counting from their Major elective/GUR subjects towards the Secondary Major.
Professional Accreditation
The Department will seek accreditation from the Hong Kong Statistical Society and Royal Statistical Society of the UK for graduates of the DSA + IE stream.
At least 120–124 (plus training credits)
To be confirmed
Please click here to view the entrance requirements for international applicants.
For further programme information, please contact us via email:
the General Office (tel.: 3400 3275; email:
To understand applicants’ potential for and interest in the discipline, to ascertain their understanding and expectations of the discipline in terms of study and career, and to evaluate their language and communication abilities.
About 30-45 minutes
Suitable candidates may be invited for interview.