School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Sept 2025 Entry


4 years


121 (major with specialism + free electives) or 124 (major with specialism + minor) and 6 training credits in work-integrated education and 1 training credit in professional development


136 (major + secondary major) or 142 (major + secondary major + minor)

and 6 training credits in work-integrated education and 1 training credit in professional development in artificial intelligence and data analytics (AIDA) or

and 3 training credits in work-integrated education and 1 training credit in professional development in innovation and entrepreneurship (IE)

74 (JUPAS and Non-JUPAS) (Subject to approval)
Programme Leader

Dr Eric Chan

  • The credit requirements of this scheme are indicative only and are subject to review.

  • Students will be awarded one of the following degrees upon successful completion of the graduation requirements of the programme.

    • BSc (Hons) in Hotel and Tourism Management (Hotel Management)

    • BSc (Hons) in Hotel and Tourism Management (Smart Tourism and Hospitality)

    • BSc (Hons) in Hotel and Tourism Management (Event and Experience Management)

    • BSc (Hons) in Hotel and Tourism Management with a Secondary Major in AIDA

    • BSc (Hons) in Hotel and Tourism Management with a Secondary Major in IE

  • Students will be asked to rank their choices during the second semester of their Year 1 study for the School’s consideration and approval. The decision to admit a student into a specific programme option will be made by the School based on the student’s choice, overall GPA in Year 1 and/or interview results.

  • Subject to the School’s approval, students may be allowed to transfer between the three specialism options before they begin their work-integrated education credits if they, after the transfer, can still manage to complete all of the credits required for graduation within 4 years.

  • The secondary major options are as follows:

    • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

    • Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • These programmes are available to students enrolled in the BSc (Hons) Scheme in Hotel and Tourism Management. Admission into the secondary major is on a competitive basis and subject to different credit requirements for graduation. Please see the “Secondary Major Details” section.

  • For JUPAS applicants with HKDSE scores which are 10% higher than the average score of the last admission exercise, they can be given pre-guaranteed entry into an individual specialism option which they are interested in from the existing 3 specialisms, namely (1) Hotel Management, (2) Smart Tourism and Hospitality, and (3) Event and Experience Management.  Other JUPAS applicants admitted into our School will be asked to declare their preferred programme option choices during the second semester of their first year of study, as mentioned above.


Entry Scholarship

  • To recognise the outstanding academic performance of HKDSE students, the School will grant entry scholarships to eligible HKDSE students admitted to the scheme via JUPAS. The award criteria for the scholarship are shown on SHTM Website. They are subject to change and will be announced on School website in due course.

Application Deadline
Non-JUPAS Year 1
International / Other Qualification

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About Programme
Specific Notes
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Programme Aims & Learning Outcomes

(1) To ensure the all-round education and development of School of Hotel and Tourism Management graduates.

(2) To nurture graduates who can contribute efficiently, effectively and sustainably to the operations and management of hospitality and tourism enterprises, with an emphasis on smart tourism in the digital age, and to event and experience and service organisations.

(3) To provide a multi-disciplinary education that equips students with the professional knowledge and skills required to excel in a broad range of complex, managerial and specialised work activities in hospitality and tourism, with an emphasis on smart tourism in the digital age, and the events and experience industry.

(4) To nurture graduates who can make meaningful contributions to the quality of service in hospitality and tourism, with an emphasis on smart tourism in the digital age, and the events and experience industry.

The BSc (Hons) Scheme in Hotel and Tourism Management has five options: three major with specialism options and two major + secondary major options. The three major with specialism options are Hotel Management, Smart Tourism and Hospitality, and Event and Experience Management. The two major + secondary major options are AIDA and IE. All of these options combine theory and practice in the hotel, tourism, events and experience, and broader service industries with a customer service orientation; they produce graduates who are equipped for a variety of industry positions. Graduates can progress rapidly to management-level positions within these industries, either locally or internationally. Students learn to be customer-focused, analytical and independent and develop communication and leadership skills. They also gain a global perspective that will help them to meet the growing challenges faced by the dynamic hotel, tourism, and events and experience industries.

Recognition & Prospects

Career Prospects

After some years of experience, graduates can take up management positions in the hotel, tourism, events and experience, and broader service sectors. The specific career prospects will depend on their chosen option at the end of Year 1 and/or the electives they take.


Career opportunities are available in the following settings: hotels, cruise ships, hostels, staff/visitor quarters in hospitals and other public institutions, serviced apartments, independent restaurants, restaurant chains, conference and exhibition centres, shopping malls, clubs and associations, airlines, airports, ground transportation operations, tour operators, travel agencies and car rental companies. Graduates can also pursue careers in tourist attraction administration, local and overseas national tourism, destination management, convention and exhibition organisation, professional meetings planning, museums and historic site management, recreation site management and theme park management.


In Year 1, all students enter the BSc (Hons) Scheme in Hotel and Tourism Management. No specific programme option is available at this time. All students are introduced to university-level study and to general subjects such as IE and AIDA, leadership and intra-personal development. They are required to complete a healthy lifestyle course and some language and communication requirements. During this year, all students take an introductory course in hotel, tourism and event management and four other discipline-related subjects offered by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management. The other subjects are all general university requirements (GUR).


After completing their first year, students study discipline-specific subjects (DSR).  At the end of Year 1, students choose one of five programme options: Major with specialism in Hotel Management; Major with specialism in Smart Tourism and Hospitality; Major with specialism in Event and Experience Management; Major + Secondary Major in AIDA; or Major + Secondary Major in IE.*


In Year 2, students study subjects in the specific discipline they have chosen. They also start to take subjects in their chosen minor or free electives.


In Year 3, students begin to study advanced topics in their chosen disciplines, minor and/or free electives. The courses in this year focus on case studies and applications.


In Year 4, students study advanced subjects. Depending on their selected programme option, they may also either begin work on a thesis or enrol in a Capstone project. They must also complete 6 months or 960 hours of cumulative work experience to fulfil the work-integrated education requirement.


* The decision to admit a student into an option is made by the School based on the student’s choice, overall GPA in Year 1 study and/or interview results. Students will be asked to rank their choices during the second semester of their Year 1 study for the School’s consideration and approval.

* Students may be allowed to transfer between the three major with specialism options before completing their work-integrated education requirement if they, after the transfer, can still manage to complete all of the credits required for graduation within 4 years.

Secondary Major Details

The BSc (Hons) Scheme in the Hotel and Tourism Management programme offers the following two major + secondary major options:

(1) Major + Secondary Major in AIDA

(2) Major + Secondary Major in IE


Students who choose one of the major + secondary major options will have to fulfil additional requirements for the secondary major and GURs.  The study patterns are shown below.

(1) Major + Secondary Major in  AIDA option

(a) Primary Major - 70 academic credits and 7 training credits offered by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management

(b) AIDA requirements - 30 academic credits

(c) Integrated Capstone Project - 6 academic credits

(d) GUR - 30 academic credits

Total: 136 academic credits and 7 training credits


(2) Major + Secondary Major in IE option

(a) Primary major - 70 academic credits and 4 training credits offered by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management

(b) IE requirements [inclusive of a 12-week company attachment] - 30 academic credits

(c) 2 discipline-specific electives - 6 academic credits

(d) GUR - 30 academic credits

Total: 136 academic credits and 4 training credits

Entrance Requirements and Subject Weightings

Satisfy the University's General Entrance Requirements.


Please click here for the subject weightings for 2025/26.

Preferred Subjects with the Highest Weighting

There is no compulsory subject requirement. Preferred subject(s) with the highest weighting for admission score calculation include(s):

English Language
Other Information

Other Information
Preference will also be given to applicants with good results in languages.

Admission Score Calculation Mechanism for the Current Admission Exercise
Any Best 5 Subjects
Average HKDSE Scores of Admittees

2024/25 Average Score: Any Best 5 Subjects (with Subject Weighting) = 160.5


For further programme information, please contact 
the General Office (tel.: 3400 2200/3400 2201; email:

Interview Arrangement

To obtain a better understanding of the overall academic and non-academic qualities and achievements of applicants and their attitudes toward the programme, and to gauge applicants’ language and communication skills and evaluate his/her interest in, potential for, and knowledge of the hotel, tourism, and event and experience industries in general.

Date of Interview
After the announcement of HKDSE results

10 minutes

Individual interview

Preference will be given to Band A applicants, and only Band A applicants will be invited for interview.

LocalNon-JUPAS Year 1
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate



A personal statement will be useful but not a must.

Interview Arrangement

To obtain a better understanding of the overall academic and non-academic qualities and achievements of applicants and their attitudes toward the programme, and to gauge applicants' language and communication skills and evaluate his/her interest in, potential for, and knowledge of the hotel, tourism, and event and experience industries in general.

Date of Interview
Between December and June

15-20 minutes

Individual interview

Applicants who do not reside in Hong Kong will be invited for an interview via MS Teams or Zoom, if shortlisted.

Non-LocalInternational / Other Qualification
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Interview Arrangement

To obtain a better understanding of the overall academic and non-academic qualities and achievements of applicants and their attitudes towards the programme, and to gauge their language and communication skills and evaluate their interest in, potential for and knowledge of the hotel, tourism and events and experience industries in general.


Date of Interview
Between November and May

15-20 minutes


Individual interview via Teams or Zoom