Sept 2025 Entry
2 years
64 (plus 9 clinical/field credits)
The programme is offered within the BA(Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences.
Credit transfers may be granted to applicants whose prior studies are relevant to the programme.
What's New
- Undergraduate
- Undergraduate
Programme Aims
This programme has two main aims: first, to educate students to become effective, efficient and caring social policy practitioners who are responsible for analysing, formulating and implementing policies for the improvement of social well-being; and second, to enable students to become competent, innovative and ethical social entrepreneurs who can turn social problems into opportunities. Students are also expected to develop their informational literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving skills and to uphold core social values. The programme will also facilitate students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for lifelong learning.
Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge and skills in social policy analysis and social enterprise operation. Students are also expected to develop social empathy, moral sensibilities and a critical capacity, and a sustained interest in understanding the main issues and challenges faced by social policy practitioners and social entrepreneurs.
Programme Characteristics
This programme is designed to integrate theory and practice. The curriculum is heavily geared towards meeting the growing demands for trained professionals and practitioners in the fields of social policy and social enterprise. Students are expected to be equipped with the theoretical knowledge necessary for working in a wide range of organisations dealing with labour and welfare issues, health care and housing needs, advocacy and cultural and environmental protection, and also to have real-life exposure to these areas through specially designed professional attachments. They will learn to balance and resolve the competing values of bureaucratic versus human concerns and private profit-making versus public good and well-being.
In addition, overseas placement opportunities, exchange-out and study tours are available for high-achieving students.
Career Prospects
The demand for professional personnel with strong backgrounds in policy and social enterprise has been increasing. Graduates can occupy mid-level administrative and managerial posts in various public, quasi-public and non-government organisations, including think-tanks, government departments, social enterprises and other human service organisations. They are also prepared for posts in human resources management, marketing and decision support.
Students are admitted to the senior year of the 4-year programme and they have to complete all of the following subjects to fulfil the credit requirement for graduation.
General University Requirement*
2 Cluster-Area Requirement (CAR) subjects
Service Learning
Essential Components of General Education
*Students not meeting the equivalent standard of the undergraduate degree Language and Communication Requirements (LCR) based on their previous studies in AD/HD programmes and their academic performance will be required to take additional credits (6 in English and 3 in Chinese) on top of the programme's normal credit requirements.
Discipline-Specific Language Requirement
Chinese Communication for Social Sciences
Professional English for Social Sciences
Professional Core
Corporate Social Responsibility
Government and Public Administration
Introduction to Social Services in Hong Kong
Management in Human Services
Research for Policy and Organizations
Social Entrepreneurship and Enterprises
Social Planning and Policy Making Process
Social Research Methods
Theories of Social Policy
Stream Electives (choose 5 subjects)
Civil Society and Governance
Entrepreneurship for Global and Social Development
Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting and Strategy
Financial Planning and Management in Organizations
Health and Society
Housing Issues, Challenges and Solutions
Human Capital Development
Labour and Welfare
Legal Aspects of Human Services
Marketing Strategies and Skills in Human Services
Media and Social Innovation
Programme Planning and Evaluation
Social Capital
Social Data Analytics
Social Innovations for Grand Challenges
Understanding Diversities
Social Science Electives (choose 2 subjects)
Economics and Social Problems
Justice and the Modern Social Context
Media and Society
Political Economy of Hong Kong
Self, Culture and Society
Social Structure and Social Theory
Capstone Project
- Capstone Project for Practicing Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship
Work-Integrated Education (Clinical/Field Training)
Attachment Workshop
Attachment for Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship
More information on the programme can be obtained here.
(Subject to revision)
64 (plus 9 clinical/field credits)
Dr Tam Kin Yuen, Raymond
An Associate Degree or a Higher Diploma in a relevant discipline from a recognised institution.
Other Information
In addition to considering academic results, preference will be given to applicants who are able to communicate effectively in English.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview to evaluate their potential for studying and interest in the programme.
For further programme information, please contact:
The General Office (tel: 2766 5746; email:
To assess applicants' potential for studying and interest in the programme, and to gauge their understanding of the issues involved in social policy, civil society and social entrepreneurship.
About 1 hour
- Suitable applicants will be invited to attend an interview.