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Possible Curriculum Pathways for BSc (Hons) in Speech Therapy students:

(a) Language and Communication Requirements (9 credits)

(b) AIDA (Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics) and IE (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) Requirements (3 credits)

(c) Leadership Education and Development (3 credits)
(d) Service-Learning Subject (3 credits)
(e) Cluster Area Requirements (CAR) (12 credits)

  • Human Nature, Relations and Development
  • Science, Technology and Environment 
  • Chinese History and Culture
  • Cultures, Organizations, Societies and Globalisation

Students must also fulfil the Reading and Writing Requirements in English and Chinese. Of the 12 credits of CAR described above, BScST students are required to successfully complete a minimum of 3 credits on CAR subjects designated as “China-related”. The purpose is to enable students to gain an increased understanding of China (e.g., its history, culture and society, as well as emerging issues or challenges).

(f) Healthy Lifestyle (Non-credit-bearing)

The above subject lists are subject to revision. Offering of subjects is subject to the availability of teaching staff and viable enrolment number. The Department has the discretion on the offering semester and class quota, which is limited by classroom capacity.

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