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AP Borderless Lab

AP's Borderless Lab receives HK$14 million Government funding

Dr Jim Kwok-lung, Lecturer of the Department of Applied Physics (AP), introduced the “Borderless Lab” developed by AP in a media interview. The web-based remote laboratory platform enables anyone to perform experiments anytime, anywhere. The programme has secured a funding of about HK$14 million from the Government’s e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme. The platform is expected to launch in 2026/27 and will be made available to secondary and primary school students for STEAM activities. Online coverage: Oriental Daily News 自主學習資源優化 鼓勵中小生戶外考察 06 May 2024 Ming Pao Daily News 大學獲1400萬資助研發 助中學生在家遙距實驗 06 May 2024 Hong Kong Economic Times 1400萬開發遙距實驗平台供學生在家做實驗 學者冀開放跨校平台減實驗設計成本 06 May 2024 Sing Tao Daily 電子學習配套計劃380校參與 06 May 2024 Headline Daily 電子學習配套計劃380校參與 06 May 2024 Wen Wei Po 理大獲1400萬資助 建校園遙距實驗室平台 06 May 2024 HK01 中大VR系統助學生體驗虛擬戶外考察 獲教局資助近千萬研新功能 06 May 2024 Line Today 智能系統設題讓學生作答 分析表現助教師了解互外學習進度 06 May 2024  

16 Jul, 2024


James Wong HSBC Scholarship 2024

Wong James Wai Bong Awarded HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship 2023/24

We are pleased to announce that Year 1 student WONG James Wai Bong has been awarded the prestigious HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship 2023/24 with a value of HK$50,000. James is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics with a Secondary Major in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) or Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE) in the Department of Applied Physics at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship aims to award and recognize students who have outstanding academic performance and encourage them to continue their academic pursuit. It is one of HSBC's six flagship scholarship programmes in Hong Kong, which seek to enrich the young talent pool with opportunities to grow. The Department of Applied Physics congratulates James on this remarkable accomplishment!   一年級學生王湋邦獲頒滙豐香港獎學金 2023/24,獎學金金額為港幣50,000元。王湋邦現於香港理工大學應用物理學系修讀物理學(榮譽)理學士副主修人工智能及數據分析 / 創新及創業。 滙豐香港獎學金旨在嘉許及鼓勵學業表現出色的學生繼續追求學業發展。該獎學金屬於滙豐六大旗艦獎學金計劃之一,旨在為年輕人才提供成長機會。 本學系祝賀王湋邦取得這項傑出成就!

11 Jul, 2024


Jiewei YIRA 2024

Dr Jiewei CHEN won the PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award 2024

Congratulations to Dr Jiewei Chen, a Research Assistant Professor from the Department of Applied Physics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), on being awarded the PolyU Young Innovative Research Award (YIRA) for 2024. This accolade recognizes Dr Chen's groundbreaking work and innovative thinking as a young researcher under the age of 35. Dr Chen's award-winning project, "Integration of Optoelectronics and Optical Fibers for Robust In-Sensor Computing," exemplifies his ability to tackle real-world challenges through cutting-edge technology. By developing novel topological devices with innovative physical mechanisms in the post-processing units of AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) systems, Dr Chen has made significant strides in reducing computational energy consumption while minimizing unnecessary data transmission. His research has led to remarkable improvements in intelligent sensing, pre-processing, and information extraction capabilities. PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award (YIRA) aims to honor young PolyU researchers under the age of 35 who have made outstanding research achievements, contributed to technological advancements, and propelled transformative innovation to address societal problems. The awardees should demonstrate a vision for positive change and provide innovative solutions that shape the future. Let us applaud Dr Chen's outstanding achievements and commitment to pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding! 

4 Jul, 2024


Loh and Kathy Leng - 2D all-organic perovskites

Prof LOH Kian Ping and Dr Kathy LENG create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics

Led by Prof. Loh Kian Ping, the research team from the Department of Applied Physics at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University has made a significant advancement in the field of perovskites, a class of materials with diverse applications in solar cells, lighting, and catalysis. The team has achieved a groundbreaking accomplishment by successfully synthesizing all-organic two-dimensional perovskites, extending the field into the exciting realm of 2D materials. Historically, the synthesis of all-organic three-dimensional perovskites has posed challenges due to the limited selection of organic molecules that can fit the crystal structure. To overcome this limitation, the researchers devised an innovative approach: they opted to synthesize all-organic perovskites in the form of two-dimensional layers instead of 3D crystals. This strategic shift enabled them to incorporate a broader range of organic ions, unlocking the emergence of novel and extraordinary properties. The team developed a new class of layered organic perovskites, dubbed the "Choi-Loh-v phase" (CL-v), which comprise molecularly thin layers held together by van der Waals forces. These two-dimensional organic perovskites exhibit a fundamental difference from traditional three-dimensional minerals, as they are single-crystalline in two dimensions and can be easily exfoliated. Notably, the CL-v phase demonstrated dielectric constants surpassing those of commonly used materials, presenting a promising pathway for their integration into two-dimensional electronic devices as a high-performance dielectric layer. The team successfully showcased the application of CL-v as the top gate dielectric in a transistor, achieving superior performance compared to conventional silicon oxide. This breakthrough not only establishes a new class of all-organic perovskites but also highlights their potential to enhance the efficiency and versatility of electronic systems through advanced fabrication techniques. Read the full research paper in Science. Press release: English | Chinese Online coverage: Science Daily PolyU Researchers Create 2D All-Organic Perovskites and Demonstrate Potential Use in 2D Electronics 09 May 2024 Semiconductor Digest PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 09 May 2024 Bioengineer PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 09 May 2024 Eurek Alert PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 09 May 2024 Nano werk Researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 09 May 2024 ETNet PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 06 May 2024 Yahoo US PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 06 May 2024 Washington Citypaper PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 05 May 2024 Weekender Singapore PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 05 May 2024 Macau Business PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 06 May 2024 Sina HK PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 06 May 2024 Ticker Technologies PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 05 May 2024 One News Page PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 06 May 2024 Hong Kong China News Agency 港理大研究:首度製備二維全有機鈣鈦礦 06 May 2024  

2 Jul, 2024


Hao Research Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

AP establishes the Research Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology with Waterloo Institute of Nanotechnology of Waterloo

The Department of Applied Physics at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU AP) has partnered with the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) at the University of Waterloo, Canada's largest nanotechnology institute, to establish the Joint Research Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The new Research Centre aims to advance fundamental knowledge in nanoscience and nanotechnology, initiate collaborative research activities focused on cutting-edge applications, and promote knowledge transfer between the two institutions. Key areas of collaborative research will include functional devices, clean energy and environmental applications, and biomedical and health technologies. The collaboration will also involve joint publications, workshops, international conferences and symposia, and coordinating joint research proposals. Through this partnership, PolyU AP and the WIN are poised to make significant contributions towards solving pressing global challenges in the areas of functional devices, clean energy and environmental applications, and biomedical and health technologies. Link to the Research Centre:

28 Jun, 2024


2024 Zhang Kai Outstanding Alumni Award for Website

2024 Departmental Outstanding PolyU Young Alumni Award in Scholarly Achievement

We are delighted to share that Prof. Kai ZHANG has been awarded the 2024 Outstanding PolyU Young Alumni Award in Scholarly Achievement of the Department of Applied Physics. Prof. Kai Zhang's groundbreaking research has focused on the development of novel terahertz optoelectronic devices, making significant contributions to the field. His work has centred on the preparation of wafer-scale low-dimensional narrow bandgap semiconductor materials, such as black phosphorus as well as local field tuning and heterogeneous integration of terahertz devices, resulting in the development of high-speed and high-sensitivity terahertz detectors. These innovative terahertz detectors have been applied in terahertz imaging diagnosis and tissue detection systems at Huashan Hospital, allowing the hospital to realize the characterization of various biological samples, including tumors, lesions, and Achilles tendons. In recognition of his exceptional achievements, Prof. Zhang has been honoured with numerous accolades, including the 2020 "China Semiconductor Top Ten Research Progress Nomination Award," the 2021 NR45 Young Innovators Award, and the first prize of the 2022 China Association of Inventions "Invention and Entrepreneurship Award Innovation Award." Beyond his research achievements, Prof. Zhang has been an active contributor to the academic community, publishing over 100 scientific papers, writing review articles and book chapters, and delivering numerous invited presentations at leading international conferences. He has also taken on leadership roles, including serving as the Vice Chair of the 5th International Conference on Two-Dimensional Materials and Technology as well as the Organizing Committee Member of the 5th International Conference on Optoelectronics and Microelectronics Technology and Applications. Congratulations to Prof. Zhang for his significant contributions to the community!

3 Jun, 2024


2024 Dave Outstanding Alumni Award for Website

2024 Departmental Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award in Professional Achievement

It is our great honour to announce that Mr. Dave CHEN, Head of Information Technology at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), has been awarded the 2024 Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award in Professional Achievement by the Department of Applied Physics. Mr. Chen has over 20 years of experience in IT management and consultancy, and has been actively involved in various professional bodies, sharing his expertise within the industry and with other parties. In August 2023, he was recognized with the "World CIO 200 Award" in the "Legend Category" by the Global CIO Forum, which honours industry experts and their great achievements from 50 countries. Most recently, in 2024, Mr. Chen received the "Leadership Award in Open Architecture Standard" from The Open Group, being the sole awardee from Hong Kong. This award highlights his exceptional efforts in contributing to the Enterprise Architecture (EA) community and implementing cutting-edge architecture in HKTDC's digital projects. Beyond his professional accomplishments, Mr. Chen has been a steadfast supporter and contributor to PolyU. He was the speaker in career talks and departmental review meetings as well as the interviewee in several promotional videos. He was also the guest speaker for the master programme. Since 2020, he has served as a mentor in the PolyU Inspire Mentorship program, sharing his valuable experience with students.   Congratulations to Mr Chen for his significant contributions to AP, the Faculty, the University and the community!  

31 May, 2024


Yaseen Erasmus Mundus Scholarship-1 (2)

Shafayet Yaseen Wins Prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

It is pleased to announce that Shafayet Yaseen, a student from the Department of Applied Physics (AP) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, has been awarded the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. This scholarship, which accepts only up to 100 students worldwide each year with a highly selective acceptance rate of 3-5%, is a testament to Yaseen's academic and leadership excellence. The Erasmus Mundus Scholarship is on par with the selectivity of renowned institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, MIT, and Oxford. Yaseen's passion, outstanding academic achievements and strategic submissions of two recommendation letters respectively from Prof Artur Erbe of Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf and a distinguished industrialist in Bangladesh played crucial roles in securing this scholarship. Throughout the application process, Yaseen demonstrated exceptional engagement and expertise, impressing the panel during a challenging interview on various complex topics ranging from Quantum Physics and Material Science to Nanotechnology, Chemistry, Thermodynamics, and Solid State Physics. Furthermore, Yaseen's leadership abilities were highlighted through their roles as the President of the International Student Association (ISA) at PolyU and the Vice President of the Hong Kong PolyU English Debate Club. These positions showcased Yaseen's inspiring and effective leadership qualities, which are highly valued by the Erasmus Mundus program. The Department of Applied Physics (AP) and PolyU played a significant role in Yaseen's achievement. Under the guidance of Dr Jiong Zhao and Professor Yuen Hong Tsang, Yaseen gained valuable research experience, contributed to multiple papers, and enhanced their data analysis skills. Yaseen's research internship at Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf in Germany, as well as an exchange program at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, further exemplified their academic excellence. Currently, Yaseen is actively involved in an innovative project under the Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scheme (URIS), focusing on AI and computer vision for commercial painting applications. The Department of Applied Physics acknowledges Yaseen's significant achievements, and eagerly anticipates the continued impact of his work in the scientific community and beyond.

19 Apr, 2024


Haos Research in Nature Communications

Research on Ferroelectricity Published by Prof. Hao's Group in Nature Communications

In November 2023, a research titled "Direct Observation of Intrinsic Room-Temperature Ferroelectricity in 2D Layered CuCrP₂S₆" was published in Nature Communications. The research was conducted by Prof. Hao's group, with Weng Fu Io, a research student from Prof. Hao's group, as the first author and Prof. Hao as the corresponding author. Nature Communications is one of the world’s top journals which covers a variety of scientific topics from physical sciences to earth and environmental sciences. Its publications include a vast number of high-quality researches with high impact factor. Prof. Hao’s research studies the robust out-of-plane ferroelectricity in two-dimensional layered CuCrP₂S₆ at room temperature down to 2.6 nm, which is a potential candidate for realizing low-dimensional multiferroicity. Throughout this study, the origin of the robust ferroelectric behaviors at atomic perspective is revealed. Article in Nature Communication:

18 Jan, 2024


Kathy K Leng receives Croucher Tak Wah Mak Innovation

Dr. Kathy LENG receives Croucher Tak Wah Mak Innovation Award 2023

30 Dec, 2023


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