Sustainability Report 2014/15
Opening Minds ● Shaping the Future
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Reaching out to Stakeholders

PolyU runs many outreach activities with local NGOs, government agencies, businesses, industries and universities. We engage different stakeholders in the community to build two-way communication and interaction with them and develop a better understanding of the public interest. This would be further strengthened by our strong team of volunteers, encompassing different members of the University to provide public services and fulfill our social responsibilities.

10 Day Fest for Social innovation

The Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (J.C.DISI) of PolyU organized a Social Innovation Festival in October 2014. The “10 Day Fest” featured more than 70 fascinating and evocative activities on campus for the public, local and overseas civic leaders, academics and innovators. Under the theme of “Social Innovation • Be a Practical Dreamer”, exhibitions, workshops, movie screenings, salons, seminars and lectures promoted public awareness of social innovation and positive change for social good.

Highlights of the “10 Day Fest”

Highlights of the “10 Day Fest” Festival Vernissage: Social Gastronomy Design for the Silver Age: Co-Creation Design Workshop THE GREAT Small: Gender Design Conference 2014 UNICEF Charity Run towards an AIDS-free Generation The Happy Summit Social Enterprise Clinic Hong Kong Mini Maker Faire

Project WeCan

Project WeCan
Project WeCan

From September 2014, PolyU pledged to provide ten local secondary schools in need of resources and support with its expertise and care in partnership with the Wharf Group. Project WeCan helps students in need by giving them more opportunities to pursue further studies or careers. Six related Service-Learning subjects were matched to each school after identifying its specific needs, in hopes of improving secondary students’ communication skills and capabilities, increase their exposure to the world, cultivate character, and hone their common sense, inventiveness and creativity.

Supporting Active Ageing

The Institute of Active Ageing (IAA) of PolyU actively organizes community engagement activities for older adults and interested stakeholders to promote the knowledge and practice of active ageing. Apart from holding regular talks and seminars to share and discuss the findings of our research projects, IAA also organized academic and cultural exchange study tours for its older adult members to broaden their cultural and personal horizons. During the year, the members visited elderly-related organizations in Singapore and shared experiences in life and ageing with local seniors.