Sustainability Report 2014/15
Opening Minds ● Shaping the Future
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Occupational Health and Safety

With a goal of zero accidents in the workplace, PolyU closely monitors safety performance regularly. We have a Health and Safety Policy in place to safeguard the health and safety of all staff at work, students in the course of study and members of the public on University premises. A Health and Safety Committee, chaired by the Vice President (Campus Development and Facilities), oversees the implementation of health and safety policies and aims to promote safe practices and a general awareness of health issues within the University. PolyU has comprehensive procedures, guidelines and codes of practices on various aspects of occupational health and safety (OHS). Our working environment is reviewed and evaluated regularly, with OHS updates shared in focus group meetings and experience-sharing seminar in the reporting period.

We make it our top priority to identify and address safety issues and to pass on the necessary safety knowledge to our employees. The diverse settings of the University require each department to be equipped with systems that identify and respond to safety issues which are unique to its operations. PolyU organizes various OHS training modules to reinforce safety awareness among our staff.

For the sake of our staff members’ physical and mental health, PolyU has appointed the Employee Development Service of the Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) as the service provider of our Employee Assistance Programme to help full-time staff members cope with work/life issues.