Sustainability Report 2014/15
Opening Minds ● Shaping the Future
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Highlights of Sustainability Achievement in 2014/15

Highlights of Sustainability Achievement in 2014/15 6/2014 - JCIT won the SEA 2014 (Commendation Merit) and GBA 2014 (Merit) 8/2014 - ABCT scholar was awarded the 2014 Xiaoyu Hu Memorial Award 11/2014 - Green Deck masterplan won the Merit Award in GBA 2014 3/2015 - PolyU was awarded the Caring Organization Logo 4/2015 - PolyU won the Gold Award of the WARS 5/2015 - Certified Good Class IAQ, won 15 prizes in Geneva & HKAEE Bronze 6/2015 – PolyU received once again the Gold Award of YOTPRPS