In a world where viral hepatitis claimed 1.3 million lives each year, the Hong Kong-based, PolyU-nurtured startup, Eieling Technology Limited, is making waves in the healthcare industry. Co-founded by Professor Zheng Yongping, Henry G. Leong Professor in Biomedical Engineering and Director of the Research Institute of Smart Ageing, and his research team in 2018, the startup specialises in advanced medical ultrasound imaging devices for liver disease screening.


Eieling Technology’s flagship product, Liverscan®, is a palm-sized, wireless, lightweight and portable device that offers economical liver checkups on patients anytime and anywhere. It reduces costs, shortens examination time, facilitates operation and improves measurement accuracy, making liver disease screening accessible to a wider community.


Leading a territory-wide liver disease screening programme

Recently, Eieling Technology has annouced the launch of its pioneering "LiverCare – Hong Kong 10 Million Liver Scans Program" at the recent Asia Summit on Global Health (ASGH), which aims to raise awareness about liver disease prevention and promote early detection and treatment, thus reducing the impact of liver disease. The five-year programme will have great significance to public health in Hong Kong.


PolyU will support this meaningful programme and be the first institution to conduct the programme, with full-time staff undergoing liver fibrosis and fatty liver screening using the palm-sized wireless ultrasound imaging device Liverscan®. Participants will also be encouraged to join a two-year follow-up study. The collected data will help the research team understand the importance of a balanced diet, daily exercise, and regular liver disease screening in monitoring disease progression.


Supported by the PolyU Tech Launchpad Fund, the Incu-Bio Programme of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), and various industrial partners and private investors, Eieling Technology has gained approval from The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA510K). Liverscan® is already used in renowned hospitals and clinics in Hong Kong, Macao, and other locations. Clinical research and collaborations with Mainland China hospitals are ongoing, with plans to enter the Mainland China market in the third quarter of this year and a global launch in 2025.


By commercialising the University's patents and receiving support from investors and industries, Eieling Technology has translated its technologies into products that positively impact society. This programme marks a milestone for PolyU in contributing to the global public health, reflecting the University’s commitment to social responsibility and the translation of scientific research outcomes.


Leading sessions with industry experts on fostering healthcare advancement

Professor Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation), joined global healthcare leaders and led a panel session on "Fostering Collaboration for Next-Gen Healthcare Business" at ASGH. Additionally, PolyU signed a memorandum of understanding with PanMediso Holdings (Shenzhen) Limited, signifying a significant collaboration in healthcare.


Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) (left), joined with more than 80 global healthcare leaders and led a panel session on “Fostering Collaboration for Next-Gen Healthcare Business”.


On the same occasion, Professor Larry Chow, Head of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, also led a session on "Innovative Drugs in Shaping China's Biopharma Ecosystem," with the participation of PolyU specialists and industry experts.


Ten PolyU startups showcase innovative healthcare solutions

Themed "Innovation · Inclusion · Impact," PolyU's strong presence at the ASGH showcased ten startups highlighting innovative solutions across medical health, antimicrobial materials, and intelligent machinery. These PolyU-supported ventures underscore the University's strengths in healthcare innovation and its pivotal role in driving progress in the global medical industry.


PolyU's strong presence at the ASGH featured ten startups showcasing innovative solutions across medical health, antimicrobial materials, and intelligent machinery.