In response to the surging power demand incurred by extreme weather events, ageing power networks, and the massive integration of renewable energy systems, innovative solutions in energy systems have become imperative to ensure global power reliability. 


Addressing this urgent need, PolyU has established the Research Centre for Grid Modernisation (RCGM) to spearhead advancements in power grid modernisation and develop novel electric power systems. This initiative aligns with Hong Kong’s and China’s shared goals of achieving carbon neutrality and sustainable energy development. 


Paving the way to a sustainable future

The launch ceremony of RCGM garnered support from diverse sectors, with leaders from 35 government bureaux, quangos, research institutes, professional bodies, and industry associations, as well as representatives of major enterprises and academic leaders from 26 universities across Hong Kong, Macao, and the Mainland in attendance. 


Among the distinguished guests was Mr Tse Chin-wan, Secretary for Environment and Ecology of the HKSAR Government, who congratulated the launch of RCGM and highlighted the Government’s decarbonisation strategies, emphasising the need for community-wide collaboration. Professor Sun Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry of the HKSAR Government, conveyed his congratulations through a video message. Dr Hao Yingjie, Secretary-General of the China Electricity Council, and Mr Qian Chaoyang, President of China Southern Power Grid Company Limited, also shared their valuable insights. 


Professor Jin-Guang Teng, President of PolyU, stated that RCGM will serve as an international platform to attract global talents and develop cutting-edge technologies to tackle the challenges faced by the power and electricity industries.


Under the directorship of Professor Chung Chi-yung, Head of PolyU’s Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, RCGM strives to construct secure and sustainable energy systems through impactful multidisciplinary research and development. It will harness emerging technologies such as sensors, 5G/6G communications, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics to modernise power grids and reduce operational risks.


Additionally, RCGM and Shenzhen Auto Electric Power Plant Company Limited announced their partnership in establishing the PolyU-Autosun Joint Laboratory for Sustainable PowerTech Research in Modern Grid. This collaborative effort aims to propel research and development in electric vehicle charging technology, smart microgrids, new energy storage systems and safety and health monitoring systems for power equipment.


PolyU's establishment of RCGM marks an important step towards shaping the future of power and energy systems and supporting the transition to a carbon-neutral world.