PolyU recently hosted two successful events to celebrate the advancements in modern rail transit technology in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). These events focused on maglev transportation and rail development, bringing together experts and organisations from various fields to explore the future of rail transportation in the region.


The 2nd Seminar on Maglev Train and Advanced Railway Transportation Development in the GBA


Dr Miranda Lou, Executive Vice President of PolyU (centre); Dr Raymond Ho Chung-tai, Chairman of Dashun Foundation (5th from right); Mr Szeto Hon-yin, Senior Engineer of the Highways Department (right), and various guests, at the opening ceremony of the 2nd Seminar on Maglev Train and Advanced Railway Transportation Development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Dr Miranda Lou, Executive Vice President of PolyU (centre); Dr Raymond Ho Chung-tai, Chairman of Dashun Foundation (5th from right); Mr Szeto Hon-yin, Senior Engineer of Highways Department (right), and various guests, at the opening ceremony of the 2nd Seminar on Maglev Train and Advanced Railway Transportation Development in the GBA.


This seminar was co-organised by PolyU, Tongji University, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Modern Railway Transportation Collaborative Innovation Center, and the Da Shun Foundation.


At the opening ceremony, Dr Raymond Ho Chung-tai, Chairman of Dashun Foundation, and Mr Szeto Hon-yin, Senior Engineer of Highways Department, indicated the urgent need for new rail transportation technologies in Hong Kong, particularly in the Northern Metropolis. They expressed their hopes for the landing and industrialisation of innovative technologies to support Hong Kong's economic and social development. Dr Miranda Lou, Executive Vice President of PolyU, highlighted the active involvement and achievements of the University in national research projects.


The 2nd GBA Symposium on Modern Rail Transit Technology and the 4th Annual Conference of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Modern Rail Transit Collaborative Innovation Center


Guests gathered at the PolyU campus to attend the 2nd Greater Bay Area Symposium on Modern Rail Transit Technology and the 4th Annual Conference of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Modern Rail Transit Collaborative Innovation Center.

Guests gathered at the PolyU campus to attend the 2nd GBA Symposium on Modern Rail Transit Technology and the 4th Annual Conference of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Modern Rail Transit Collaborative Innovation Center.


This symposium and conference, hosted by the Collaborative Innovation Center and organised by PolyU, brought together a consortium of institutions, including the PolyU-Hangzhou Technology and Innovation Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Jiaoda Railway Development Joint Railway Traffic Safety Monitoring Technology Innovation Centre, the National Key Laboratory of Green and Long-life Road Engineering for Extreme Environments, the Institute of Urban Intelligent Transportation and Safe Operation and Maintenance of Shenzhen University, and the Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co., Ltd.


The conference commenced with an opening ceremony presided over by Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (ACAE) Professor Li Qingquan of Shenzhen University. Prominent experts presented on various topics, including microscale flow control for drag reduction and noise reduction, transportation infrastructure full life performance monitoring, tunnel intelligent construction, and vibration and seismic dual-control technical standard of construction engineering and so on.


Overall, these events provided a platform for sharing cutting-edge research and fostering ideas among government officials, industry professionals, researchers, and academicians, helping to drive the development of the region's rail infrastructure.