Mr LAI Lik Man
Faculty Board of Construction and Environment - BEEE
- Department: BEEE
- lik-man-oscar.lai@connect.polyu.hk

Mr NG Ching Fung
Faculty Board of Health and Social Sciences - HTI
- Department: HTI
- isaacching-fung.ng@connect.polyu.hk

Ms LAM King Man
Faculty Board of Health and Social Sciences - RS
- Department: RS
- king-man.lam@connect.polyu.hk

Ms WONG Hoi Ning
Faculty Board of Health and Social Sciences - SN
- Department: SN
- hoi-ning.wong@connect.polyu.hk

Mr CHAN Chak Shun
Faculty Board of Humanities - ENGL
UG Member
- Department: ENGL
- jchak.chan@connect.polyu.hk

Ms GUO Zhimeng
Faculty Board of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty Board of Science - AMA
- Department: AMA
- zhimeng.guo@connect.polyu.hk

Mr HO Cheuk Fung Felix
Board of School of Design - SD
- Department: SD
- cheuk-fung-felix.ho@connect.polyu.hk

Mr CHIRIKO Amare Yaekob
Board of School of Hotel and Tourism Management - SHTM
- Department: SHTM
- amare-yaekob.chiriko@connect.polyu.hk