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Admission Policies for Postgraduates

1) General

All successful hall applicants are required to abide by the Hall Regulations as stipulated in the Hall Handbook of respective Student Halls of Residence.

2) Eligibility

Only full-time research students within normal study period are eligible for about one year of hall residence (from the check-in date to the month end of the 12th month), subject to availability. Such eligibility expires at the end of the normal study period.

The University shall review the admission policies from time to time to suit the changing needs of university programmes and students. Students should refer to their “Notice of Offer” upon admission for the latest update.

3) Allocation Principles of Hall Places

Hall places for research postgraduate students are allocated according to the following principles:

  1. Top priority will be given to new intake of students for their first year of study.
  2. Priority will decrease with the length of stay in Student Halls.
  3. Priority will increase for those whose home residence is outside Hong Kong.
  4. Students in the same priority category are normally admitted on a first-come, first-served basis according to their check-in dates.
4) Re-admission
  1. A. Research students who have enjoyed residential provision are strongly advised to secure their own accommodation in the market. Students may apply for re-admission within the last 3 months of their residential period. Re-admission is not guaranteed and it is even harder to guarantee re-admission to the same Halls. The room rates for re-admitted research students will be higher. The remaining normal study period of successful applicants should be more than 6 months at the time of check-in. The length of residence, if successfully admitted, will be about 1 year (from the check-in date to the month end of the 12th month), or up to the end of normal study period, whichever is the earlier. The application for re-admission will be processed according to the Allocation Principles stated, subject to availability of hall places.
  2. All students should study the Regulations Governing Hall Residence (Hung Hom) or Regulations Governing Hall Residence (Homantin) (subject to the final result of hall allocation) before submitting their application for re-admission here. It is assumed that they agree to comply with these regulations once they send in their application

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  3. Special Warden Recommendation (SWR)
  4. Within the last 3 months of the residential period, hall residents who have significant contributions to their halls may request their Hall Wardens to recommend them to the Hall Admission Committee (HAC) for readmission to the same hall through SWR for an extended stay of 6 months, or until the end of their normal study period, whichever is the earlier. Interested parties should submit an online application at the latest 1.5 months before their expected check out date here

    Subject to availability of hall places in individual halls, the HAC will consider and approve/disapprove the application of individual applicant with reference to the followings:

    i) academic performance;

    ii) personal conduct in the hall and the University;

    iii) pass contributions to their halls;

    iv) warden recommendation.

    Hall residents may check their participation and contribution record here. For any questions, please contact the organizer of the relevant hall activity.

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    SWR application

5) Hall Admission Committee (HAC)

The HAC reserves the right to make the final decision on hall admission issues and to revoke any hall offer granted by any channel at any time if considered necessary and appropriate. The HAC is not obliged to provide reasons for, or to entertain appeal against, the final decision.


Hall Administration
Student Resources and Support Section
Student Affairs Office
January 2025

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