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About PolyU

With over 80 years of rich history, PolyU was first established as the Government Trade School in Wan Chai in 1937. It became the Hong Kong Technical College in 1947, then Hong Kong Polytechnic from 1972 to 1993, and eventually developed into the present government-funded tertiary institution in 1994.

On the strength of dedicated efforts from all stakeholders, PolyU keeps reaching new heights in research and education over the past eight decades. Milestones and significant progress have been made continuously to enhance institutional competitiveness and talent development.

PolyU operates 26 academic units under six faculties, namely, Applied Science and Textiles, Business, Construction and Environment, Engineering, Health and Social Sciences, and Humanities. PolyU also has two schools – the School of Design and the School of Hotel and Tourism Management – and two centres. The University offers a variety of taught and research programmes at Doctorate, Master’s degree, Bachelor’s degree and Higher Diploma levels, with over 170 taught programmes offered in 2018/19.

Making impacts on many research frontiers, PolyU remains one of the world-leading universities. PolyU’s stellar performance in innovative research has been instrumental in advancing technologies, healthcare and sustainable development. Applying ourselves continually to this end, PolyU’s annual research funding increased from HK$2,186 million in 2017/18 to HK$2,941 million in 2018/19, supporting about 3,035 research projects.

As at the end of October 2019, 25,827 students were enrolled in both full-time and part-time academic programmes leading to PolyU awards, including Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy, Professional Doctorate, taught Master’s degrees, Bachelor’s degrees, Higher Diplomas and other sub-degrees. 9,261 students graduated from our academic programmes in 2019, bringing the total of graduates as at 2019 to approximately 364,000. PolyU employed 5,340 full-time staff during the review period, maintaining a relatively stable body of full-time staff.

University Profile 2018/19
Staff Headcount Headcount of PolyU
Student Enrolment
Headcount of
CPCE Student EnrolmentNote 1
Full Time 5,340 20,462 12,075
Part Time 929 5,365 1,826
Total 6,269 25,827 13,901

Note 1: PolyU established the College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE) to oversee the operation of two self-financed education units – Hong Kong Community College (HKCC) and the School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED).

Boasting excellent resources and facilities, including extensive library collections, research facilities and research centres, the University supports quality learning, teaching, and research for the ever-growing student community. In addition to effective educational and research support, PolyU also prioritizes the health and well-being of students and staff by offering catering, health services, an environmentally-friendly campus, leisure and sports facilities, and welfare support. Through providing world-class professionally-oriented education to the next generation, the University does not only focus on equipping students with professional knowledge and skills, but also dedicates to nurturing a strong sense of social responsibility, aiming to create positive impacts on sustainability both locally and globally.

Participation in Educational and Professional Networks

PolyU continues to play an active role in educational and professional networks around the world through sharing our values and knowledge in sustainable development with other universities, research institutes, and professional bodies. To promote initiatives in the Greater Bay Area and along the Belt and Road, PolyU collaborates with numerous international institutions and enterprises to establish cross-professional platforms to underpin efforts.

As a Co-founder
  • International Strategic Technology Alliance
  • University Social Responsibility Network
  • University Alliance of the Silk Road
  • The Greater Bay Area Tourism Research Alliance
  • The Nursing Alliance of Research and Knowledge Transfer
As a Member
  • Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities
  • Eurasia-Pacific Uninet
  • European Association for International Education
  • Global Education: Exchanges for Engineers and Entrepreneurs
  • Institute of International Education: Global Engineering Education Exchange
  • National Association of Foreign Student Advisers
  • The Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning
  • The Talloires Network
  • China Association of Higher Education
  • Cross-strait Alliance on Disk Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development
  • Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Alliance
  • Beijing-Hong Kong University Alliance
  • China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Consortium of Universities
  • Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Library Alliance
  • Shanghai-Hong Kong University Alliance
  • University Consortium of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
  • Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Rail Transit Joint Innovation Union
  • Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Supercomputer Alliance
  • Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Tourism Research Alliance
  • Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Online Open Course Alliance
  • Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Space Science and Technology Alliance
  • Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Ocean Technology Innovation Alliance
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of China
  • National Research Institute of Health and Medical Big Data of Sun Yat-sen University
  • Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Academician Innovation & Entrepreneurship Alliance