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Stakeholder Engagement

PolyU places strong emphasis on stakeholder engagement and believes that effective communication is the key to drive sustainable development and achieve corresponding targets. Diversified channels, which enable two-way communication with internal and external stakeholders, have been identified and maintained to understand their concerns and expectations, as well as to collect their feedbacks.

Stakeholder Groups
  • Management
  • Staff
  • Students
  • Alumni
  • Suppliers / Contractors
  • Industry Partners
  • Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Peer Educational Institutions
  • Government
  • Community
  • Donors / Sponsors
  • Media
Communication Channels
  • Regular meetings
  • President’s communication forums
  • Open forums
  • University-Government-Industry Trilateral Forum
  • Talks, seminars and international conferences
  • International Advisory Board
  • Joint projects
  • Community programmes
  • Volunteer activities
  • University website
  • Newsletters
  • Social media
  • Press releases
  • Annual report
  • Surveys

During the reporting period, PolyU continued to solicit valuable opinions from the University community and other stakeholders through a wide variety of activities and initiatives.