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PolyU Achievements and Targets

PolyU has established and conducted regular reviews on annual environmental and social targets which align with our Strategic Plan (2019/20 to 2024/25).

Achievements in 2018/19

Social Knowledge Transfer
  • Engaged in 578 new consultancy projects for 350 partners worldwide via our PolyU Technology and Consultancy Company Limited (PTeC).
  • Co-hosted the USR Summit 2018 with the University of Haifa and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with a theme of “Universities’ Social Responsibility in Shaping a Future of Critical Hope”.
  • Revamped the existing “B.A. (Hons) in Social Policy and Administration” programme and renamed it the “B.A. (Hons) in Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship” programme to equip our graduates with the latest knowledge and skill sets related to social policies and social enterprises.
  • Supported 270+ startup ventures and transferred 40+ PolyU innovations, technologies and ideas into real-world applications through start-ups.
  • Held Hong Kong’s first event on design-led technology for social good including the “Designing Future Techstyle” International Symposium and “Techstyle for Social Good International Competition”.
Service to the Community
  • The number of Service-Learning subjects increased to 69. These were pursued by 3,900+ students.
  • Launched a social innovation programme – PolyU Jockey Club "Operation SoInno”, to engage academia, non-governmental organizations, professional bodies and the public and prompt them to respond to social challenges.
  • Launched the Jockey Club Smart Ageing Hub to support the elderly to enjoy “Smart Age・Smart Life” through application of genrotechnology.
Environmental Carbon Footprint Reduction
  • Annual per capita carbon emissions attributable to electricity consumption were reduced by 2.4% compared with 2005/06.
  • An overall 4.9% reduction in energy consumption on a university-wide basis was achieved in 2019 calendar year when compared with 2018 calendar year.
Waste Reduction
  • Introduced our Green Event Assessment requirements for organizing and promoting events and activities on campus.
  • Launched the ResourcesSharing@PolyU online platform to facilitate the sharing of resources and exchange of event leftover materials among the University community.
  • Initiated the Reusable Dining Ware Rental Service to facilitate and enable more Departments and Offices with renewable dining ware options for their campus activities.
  • Launched the “No Straw Every Day” campaign.
Resource Conservation
  • Annual Printing Paper consumption of the University reduced by 56.6% compared with 2009/10 baseline year.
Promoting Green Living
  • Launched the “PolyU GreenCoin” initiative to further engage the University community in pursuing a green lifestyle by offering rewards for certain green actions.
  • Provided lunchbox washing facilities for students and staff.
  • Released new videos to catalyze bring-your-own (BYO) actions.
  • Launched the campus-wide Green PolyU Awards – Green Office programme Phase 3.

Targets in 2019/20

Social Knowledge Transfer
  • Engage in 530+ consultancy projects for 340+ clients via PTeC.
  • Launch the PolyU Entrepreneurship Parade 2019 to facilitate exchange of views of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Service to the Community
  • Offer 60+ service-learning subjects with 3,700+ service-learning places for students.
  • Launch the Blood Donation Campaign on campus to promote blood donation among university students.
Environmental Carbon Footprint Reduction
  • Reduce annual per capita carbon emissions attributable to electricity consumption by 5% compared with 2005/06.
  • Introduce more electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities in the campus carpark.
Waste Reduction
  • Introduce an automatic food waste collection system coupled with dewatering functionality at the catering facilities in the Communal Building.
Resource Conservation
  • Reduce the University’s annual printing paper consumption by 30% compared with 2009/10.
Promoting Green Living
  • Launch the campus-wide Green PolyU Awards – Green Office programme Phase 4.
  • Establish a local research platform on urban agriculture which aims to develop a new and safe urban agriculture model to cultivate high quality fruits and vegetables in a small indoor space.
  • Continue running the Campus Sustainability weeks, VeggieLicious event and Urban Farming programmes on campus.
  • Continue publishing the GreenNet@PolyU Newsletter at quarterly intervals.