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Staff Welfare

Employees are PolyU’s valuable asset and the underlying force for sustainable growth. As such, various human resource-related policies and guidelines are implemented to protect their rights and collective interests and create a positive organizational culture. Details on these human resources policies and guidelines that cover recruitment practices, equal opportunities, personal data privacy, as well as a staff code of conduct, are readily accessible. The University communicates regularly with staff on these policies and guidelines to cultivate a fair, transparent, and competitive working culture.

Equal Opportunities

The University adheres to a principle of respecting every individual and offers a workplace that is free of discrimination and harassment. Every staff member is treated fairly and equally regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, race, national or ethnic origin, family status, or any other personal characteristics. When making employment decisions, the University considers the competence of candidates in terms of their qualifications, skills, and experience. Staff members who demonstrate aspiration and have the potential to take on extra job requirements are considered for promotion.

The on-campus retail store is a good example that demonstrates the University’s effort in facilitating social integration. The operation contract terms expressly require that at least one-third of the store’s job positions must be employees with disabilities. Under this arrangement, the store offers opportunities for disabled workers to apply their communication skills and interact with the community.

Benefits and Appraisal

PolyU recognizes that competitive remunerations and benefits as well as recognition and appreciation are important for attracting and retaining talents. To ensure a rewarding career for all employees, attractive remuneration packages, welfare and benefits, training and career advancement opportunities are provided for both academic and non-academic staff. Employees are entitled to medical insurance, retirement benefits, maternity and paternity leave, compassionate leave, and leave for staff development. Annual appraisal on the performance of staff is conducted to provide a basis for rewards and motivate continuous improvement.

Staff Consultation

As a registered trade union for full-time staff that aims to promote the quality of professional life at PolyU, the Polytechnic University Staff Association (PUSA) represents the interests of our staff on all matters, especially those related to their conditions of service. PUSA serves as a bridge for effective communication between the staff and the management. Through regular liaison meetings and various University management committees, PUSA delivers members’ views and concerns to Senior Management and the Human Resources Office. In addition to having direct communication with the management on staff benefits and terms of service, PUSA also organizes activities with other units of the University to promote healthy work-life balance and enhance environmental and socio-political awareness among staff.