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Promoting Wellness and Work Life Balance

Good mental health is instrumental to the development of a strong and supportive team. As such, PolyU established the Mental Wellness Clinic in 2016 to provide comprehensive mental health and clinical assessment, medical counseling, drug treatment, medical referrals and follow-ups for both staff and students on campus. In addition, the Hong Kong Christian Service is appointed to provide a 24-hour Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) hotline service for our staff, aiming to assist them in preventing, identifying and resolving personal, psychological, social, family or work-related concerns.

Apart from caring for staff mental wellness, PolyU is also dedicated to promoting and encouraging a balanced lifestyle among the staff. The Work-life Balance Month, an annual initiative since 2010, was held during the reporting period. During the event, tea-set coupons were handed out to encourage staff to take a break and recharge themselves. Campus walking activity was also organized to foster a regular walking habit. To promote the benefits of regular stretching exercises, a series of demonstration videos were produced and a sharing session was held with support from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences.

PolyU encourages employees and students to pursue their interests through sports and recreational activities beyond the campus. For example, staff, students and alumni are welcomed to join the PolyU Running Team and take part in the fun-filled and challenging Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon.