Sustainability Governance and Management
PolyU has established a mature and holistic governance system to steer university operation and sustainable development. It is believed that good governance is the key to secure the long-standing position as a world-class tertiary institution of teaching, learning, research, and knowledge transfer. The University adheres to all principles of good governance, including academic freedom and autonomy, value-added performance to student education and academic advancement, public accountability and social responsibility, transparency, ethics, and professionalism.
University Governance
The established governance and risk management framework directs and monitors the University’s operations and development. The Council and Management of PolyU are fully committed to the institutional mission under the principles of good governance. The University also has a robust structure of Committees, Advisory Groups and Consultation Groups.
As the governing body of the University, the Council comprises 25 members and is supported by 12 committees in accordance with designated terms of reference. The University Court is the supreme advisory body to the Council on matters of direction, including promotion of the well-being of the University. Appointed by the Council as the highest authority body on all academic and related matters, the Senate consists of representatives from Faculties, academic Departments, and the student body. A number of Faculties or School Boards and standing committees look after various policies or functional areas related to academic governance.
The University has implemented an effective internal control system to regularly monitor and ensure compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. Reporting directly to the Audit Committee, the Internal Audit Unit provides independent and objective assurance and consulting services to assist the University in accomplishing its objectives and enhancing operational efficiency by evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management, governance and control processes.
Campus Sustainability Management Structure
PolyU recognizes the important role as an educational institution when facing global climate change challenges. The Campus Sustainability Committee (CSC) was established to strengthen the University’s sustainability governance and promote sustainability initiatives in education, research, and community service. Apart from promoting sustainability in planning, development and operation of campus facilities and overseeing all on-campus sustainability-related issues and initiatives, CSC also provides input on fostering a green culture in PolyU.
Assisting CSC in executing sustainability policies and coordinating campus sustainability affairs, the Campus Sustainability Office (CSO) was established with a vision to pursue sustainable excellence through integrating sustainability into campus operations and nurturing a culture of sustainability across the University community. CSO also oversees the network of Departmental Green Officers, who are nominated to facilitate sustainability-related works at departmental level.
Campus Sustainability Management Structure

Sustainability Strategy and Policies
In pursuit of environmental excellence, PolyU strives to integrate sustainability concepts in operations and use resources efficiently across the campus. Sustainability strategies and policies are aligned with the sustainability directions set out in the latest University’s Strategic Plan.
Marking a new start of the strategic planning cycle, the University prepared multi-dimensional strategic areas to outline all aspects of education and research that are crucial for taking PolyU to the next level of excellence in the next five years (2019/20 to 2024/25). As a review of the previous University’s Strategic Plan (2012/13 to 2017/18), the stipulated strategies were closely followed while PolyU has successfully achieved key goals in the five areas, including (i) knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship and service to community, (ii) internationalization, branding and marketing, (iii) engaging the nation, (iv) campus development, and (v) recruitment and retention.
The University continues to ensure compliance with existing policies and develop initiatives to promote sustainable development in the community, the nation, and the world. With a view to align with the latest Strategic Plan, annual environmental and social targets have been established with regular progress reviews. For details of the achievements against the targets in 2018/19, please refer to PolyU Achievements and Targets.
New initiatives were developed in the reporting year to highlight the scourge of plastic pollution and the waste culture. PolyU introduced the No Straw Every Day initiative in October 2018 to enhance awareness of plastic pollution and promote a plastic-free lifestyle. Catering outlets on campus actively support the initiative and no longer provide plastic straws unless requested. In addition, the Green Event Checklist requirement came into effect in April 2019. Campus event organizers are now required to submit a completed Green Event Checklist digitally for approval when they book designated locations on campus. The new arrangement promotes transparency of planned actions to ensure all events are executed in an environmentally responsible manner, thereby encouraging green practices.
Sustainability Policies and Guidelines
Campus Sustainability Policies | Environmental Policy | Guidelines | Sustainable Consumption Commitments |