External student awards in 2017 / 18
A team of occupational therapy students won the Gold Award, Peer’s Choice Award and Public’s Choice Award at the Global Student Innovation Challenge for Assistive Technology. Their submission, the Roller-Clother, was a rollable clothing organiser with height-adjustable pockets that allowed wheelchair users and elderly people to store and retrieve clothes easily. The winning team consisted of Chan Ka-wai, Chan Wing-yuk, Chung Wing-yan, Leung Ka-wai and Ngan Sing-ho.

The 70-student cross-department HKPolyU Racing team, the first formula racing team formed by local university students, competed in the Formula Student Electric China 2017 and placed second among all newcomer teams. With the guidance of academic and technical staff, the HKPolyU Racing team mobilized support from various faculties/departments as well as over 30 companies and organizations. The team successfully designed and built their own racing car — the HKF-01E.

In partnership with General Manager (Projects) of HK Electric Lau Chi-kwong, electrical engineering PhD student Fong Yat-chi won the Champion, Best “Viability” Award and the Best “Value & Impact” Award at the International Competition on Second Life for Retired Batteries from Electric Vehicles (EVs) (Open Group Category). Their innovative proposal was to use retired batteries from EVs to develop a hybrid energy storage system, which is part of the proposed photovoltaic solar power system for supplying electricity to the residents of Po Toi Island.

At the 14th Global Chinese Universities Student Film and Television Festival, School of Design student Rony Kong Ka-yiu won the Best Drama Award (Cross Category), (Local Category), the Best Director Award for Drama (Local Category) and the Best Actor Award for Drama with his short film, Horizon. Student Janet Ng Wing-yan also won the Golden Award, the Best Animation Award (Cross Category) and the Best Animation Award (Local Category) with her film Walking on Water. In addition, Horizon brought home the Best Student Film and the Best Director awards from the Festigious International Film Festival.

Student Lam Wing-sum of the Institute of Textiles and Clothing won the 1st runner-up at the Hong Kong Fur Design Competition with her design inspired by the decomposition process of an orange. Her creative work was also selected by the Milan Vogue Panel as one of the ten finalists to represent Hong Kong in the Remix International Competition in Milan, Italy.

At the IMechE 7th Greater China Design Competition organized by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, a team of three mechanical engineering students — Shin Ji-ho, Roy Chow Hung-ming and Rudra Someshwar — created a robot that could move across different terrains to transport materials efficiently and won the championship and the Most Innovative Award of the competition.