To gear up for a long-term and sustainable development of virtual learning, teaching and assessment (LTA) at PolyU, a Quality Incentive Scheme (QIS) was established in March 2021 with funding support up to $50 million for academic departments, teaching centres, independent schools and relevant non-academic units at PolyU. Grants have been awarded to selected proposals in Stage I. Stage II will be for grooming and rewarding departments for outstanding performance in online learning, teaching and assessments.

The proposed initiatives mainly include the following five categories:

  1. Support educational research projects to explore new methods, strategies, pedagogies, platforms, and facilities for the enhancement and evaluation of online learning, teaching and assessment;
  2. Support the development of online learning, teaching and assessment activities;
  3. Purchase equipment and software for online teaching or assessment;
  4. Organise staff development or training on new pedagogies, technologies, teaching and assessment modes; and
  5. Serve as teaching relief for staff members heavily involved in online teaching development.