Mentorship Programme
The Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies aims to offer students something more meaningful outside the curriculum. Through the Industrial Mentorship Programme, we provide students with access to experienced professionals who can provide practical advice and guidance on students' readiness to enter the workplace.
Through informal social interactions, mentors will share their valuable past experience, show their working environment, talk about their insights, answer mentees’ queries, demonstrate exemplary practices, and inspire new thoughts. In addition to providing learning experiences supplementary to those obtained in the campus, a successful mentor-mentee relationship will often result in important and beneficial change of attitude.
Our Mentees
All Senior Year 1, Year 3 and Final Year students from our undergraduate programmes and the students from taught postgraduate programmes are eligible to join this programme.
All mentees must take initiative to participate in the mentorship programme to get guidance from their mentors.
Our Industrial Mentors
Our department will invite experienced and professional mentors from the industry to provide guidance and advice to our mentees. Our alumni, current MSc students as well as industrial partners will also be recruited to join the mentorship programme. Each mentor will take care of 2-3 mentees according to the mentees’ career interest and background.
Role of a Mentor
A mentor is a mature, wise and caring member of the business world who agrees to commit his/her personal time to coach his/her mentees. Our mentors will:
- foster a caring and supportive relationship
- encourage the mentee to develop to his/her fullest potential
- help the mentee to develop his/her vision and aspiration for future
Mentoring is a structured relationship, which means that the two parties are expected to have some interaction within a specified time frame. It will be most helpful for both mentor and mentee, in the initial stage, to agree on the level of commitment, mode and frequency of interaction, as well as the preferred focus, such as:
- development of professional / business acumen
- becoming a leader
- guidance in all-round development
- career exploration
- goal setting
- community involvement, e.g. volunteer work
- exploring new frontiers
7 months, from December to June.
There is no fixed mode or frequency of interaction. During the 7-month mentorship period, two to three face-to-face meetings will be organised for group interaction. Mentees should take the initiative to seek guidance from mentors to maintain the good relationship with their mentors.
Our mentors and mentees can enjoy the privilege to join the activities, including alumni gatherings, outings (such as hiking) and career talks organised by the Logistics Alumni Associate (LGTAA). Our mentees will also have the higher priority for enrolling the departmental activities, such as firm visits, departmental gathering (such as BBQ), etc.
If you are interested to be our mentor, please feel free to send us an email (lms.enquiry@polyu.edu.hk).