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The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings | Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
According to The UTD Top 100 Worldwide Business School Rankings Based on Research Contributions published by The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), Po...
Shipping Research Centre (SRC) |Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
The Shipping Research Centre (SRC) is a multi-disciplinary research unit comprising a group of active researchers with diverse and profound expertise in...
Shipping and Trade Alliance for Research (STAR) | Shipping Research Centre (SRC)
The Shipping and Trade Alliance for Research (STAR) is a global network established to address current and emerging issues in shipping and trade as raised ...
Research Centres | Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
CY Tung International Centre for Maritime Studies (ICMS) The ICMS advances research and education activities in different fields of shipping and logist...
Research Areas | Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
Our Department has unique research strength in the following areas: Area Contact Person Tel ...
... research, measurement, sampling, research design, survey research, experimental research, and mixed methods research. Intended Learning. Outcomes. (note 1).
Research Programmes | Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
3-year Direct-entry PhD. Admittees' Qualification: A Master's degree with research component and a Bachelor's degree. Normal Study Period: 3 years. Maximum ...
The strict requirements for research and the high standard of cultivating young scholars make PolyU a competitive place to study. YANG Liutao. PhD Student. BSc ...
Research Programmes | Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
Financial Support. Stipend of HK$18,470/month (subject to revision) for full-time research students based on academic merit (subject to the decision of ...
Top Shipping School Research Rankings | Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
We examine research on shipping studies captured in Thomson Reuters' database of ISI Web of Science to provide information on key journals publishing sh...