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Best Student Paper Competition - POMS-HK 2023
Each honorable mention will receive HK$1000. Eligibility Requirements and Author Guidelines. Competition participants should be students. The paper should be ...
ISM-HK x PolyU Student Case Competition | Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
Institute for Supply Management Hong Kong x The Hong Kong Polytechnic University student case competition has received unprecedented success - With over...
Title: Competition in Congested Service Networks with Application to Air Traffic Control Provision in Europe Speaker: Prof. Nicole Adler, Professor, Ope...
Title: Competition in Congested Service Networks with Application to Air Traffic Control Provision in Europe Speaker: Prof. Nicole Adler, Professor, Ope...
ISM-HK Student Case Competition 2022 | Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
ISM-HK Student Case Competition 2022 is a flagship program in March 2022 co-organised by Institute for Supply Management Hong Kong and Department of Log...
Alumni Sharing - Competitive Business Career: A Smart Way to Tackle. 26 Nov 2020. 20201126. 1 / 1. Date: 27/11/2020 (Fri) Time: 20:00-20:45. Platform: Zoom
competition and inter-regional coordination”, Transportation Research Part B, 93, 102-125. Wan, Y., Jiang, C. and Zhang, A. (2015) “Airport congestion pricing ...
Important Dates - POMS-HK 2023
Registration deadline for student participants of the best student paper competition. 1 December 2022. Early bird registration deadline. 1 December 2022.
Keynote Speaker – School Sessions
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Government of British Columbia in Canada, Australian. Competition Tribunal, Hong Kong Civil Aviation ...
**note that there must be a mentor for you if you wish for your competition participation to be counted towards WIE. Cc: WIE Coordinator – School/Department.