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Date Presenter's Name Title
2025-01-24 Prof. Feryal Erhun Contracting Telemedicine: A game-theoretic consideration for NHS Advice & Guidance
2025-01-23 Dr Paul Hayoung Jung Resilience and Sustainability in Global Supply Chains: Insights from Geopolitical Trade Disruptions and Maritime Emissions Analysis
2025-01-22 Prof. Feryal Erhun Pharmaceutical-CRO Relationships: Are Strategic Partnerships the Way Forward?
2025-01-21 Mr ZHAO Ziao Learning the Minimal Cost-to-Time Cycle: A Comparison-Based Approach
2025-01-17 Prof. J. George Shanthikumar Applications of Stochastic Orders and Stochastic Functions in Inventory and Pricing Problems (Part II)
2025-01-15 Prof. J. George Shanthikumar Applications of Stochastic Orders and Stochastic Functions in Inventory and Pricing Problems (Part I)
2025-01-13 Ms PANG Chen Dynamic Pricing Strategy for New Products in the Presence of Consumer-to-Consumer Resale Market
2025-01-10 Prof. Tony Cui Talking without Speaking: Paid Trolls on Social Media and Court Decision
2024-12-20 Mr MIAO Shucheng Three Studies on Environmental(E), Social(S), and Governance (G) Practices in Operations Management (OM): From Mandatory, Recommendatory to Voluntary
2024-12-12 Mr XU Zheng Resilience-oriented Planning for Microgrid Clusters Considering Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading and Extreme Events

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