Date | Topic | Media |
2017-03-15 | 理大增航空管理物流學士課程 | Oriental Daily |
2017-03-15 | 理大革新MBA課程 增添三選修 | Sing Tao Daily |
2017-03-15 | 理大工商學院9月開兩新課程 | Ming Pao |
2017-03-15 | 理大於今年開辦全港首個獲政府資助、專事航空管理及物流 | Ta Kung Pao |
2017-03-14 | 三跑落成人才需求大 理大新開空管物流學士課程 | HKET TOPick |
2017-02-18 | Commercial Radio 1《與時並進》 | Commercial Radio |
2017-02-17 | 理大航空管理課程現正招生 | Sing Tao Daily |
2017-02-16 | New top-up programme for a career in the aviation industry | The Standard |
2017-02-15 | Logistics industry graduates are in heavy demand in the job market | The Standard |
2017-02-14 | Global Supply Chain Management programme nurtures all-round talents | The Standard |