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Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies 2024

The Outstanding Alumni Award aims to give public recognition to outstanding graduates for their professional achievements and significant contributions to the community and their alma mater. We are pleased to announce the following awardees of the Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies 2024 for their remarkable achievements.   Captain Lam Ming Fung Lothair - Outstanding Senior Alumni Award in Professional Achievement 2024 Captain Lothair Lam, currently serving as the Director & Deputy General Manager of Hong Kong Ming Wah Shipping Co., Ltd. since 2021, has a distinguished career in the maritime industry. A graduate of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Capt. Lam began his career as a seafarer with Wah Kwong Shipping and earned his Class 1 (Deck) Certificate of Competency from the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency in 2006. By 2007, he commanded a Capesize bulk carrier. Capt. Lam is an Associate Fellow-Member of the Nautical Institute and holds key positions including Chairman of the Institute of Seatransport, Committee Member of the HKMPB, Executive Committee Member of HKSOA, and Vice Chairman of the ASA’s Seafarers Committee. His contributions extend to serving as Secretary General of the Hong Kong Shipping Circles Association and External Examiner for HD Maritime Studies at MSTI/VTC. Capt. Lam is a frequent guest speaker at career talks, expos, and seminars, sharing his vast industry knowledge and inspiring future maritime professionals.   Dr SHANG Guangzhi - Outstanding Young Alumni Award in Scholarly Achievement 2024 Guangzhi Shang is Jim Moran Associate Professor of Operations Management in the Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems, and Supply Chain at Florida State University. His research has been published in Production and Operations Management (POM), Journal of Operations Management (JOM), MIS Quarterly (MISQ), and Decision Sciences (DS), among others, and recognized by best paper awards at POM, JOM, and POM Society’s College of Operational Excellence. He serves as the Department Editor for the Empirical Research Methods Department at JOM and for the Retail Operations Department at DS. His review service is recognized by the 2019 outstanding reviewer award of DS and the 2018 best reviewer award of JOM. He was also nominated for the best reviewer for POM and best associate editor for JOM. He co-produces a column together with Mike Galbreth and Mark Ferguson in the Reverse Logistics Magazine named “View from Academia,” aimed at disseminating fresh-off-the-press academic knowledge among industry professionals dealing with consumer returns. He currently co-edits a special issue for JOM: “Operational Perspectives on Blockchain Applications”.

3 Jul, 2024



PolyU Consultation Day on 18 May 2024

We were thrilled to have our PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day on 18 May 2024 which was well received by high school students, parents, school educators and logistics & maritime industry partners. During our mock interview sessions and information seminars, our programme leaders offered advice and tips on their JUPAS choices and admission arrangements. Our BBA (Hons) Scheme in Aviation, Maritime and Supply Chain Management (JS3070) programme includes four majors: BBA-Aviation Management & Finance (AMF), BBA-International Shipping and Transport Logistics (ISTL), BBA-Supply Chain Management and Analytics (SCMA), as well as a dual degree programme BBA-Global Business and Logistics (GBL) jointly offered by Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and Polyu that admitted students may earn two degrees from PolyU and CBS in 4 years.  Another piece of big good news is the “Emerging Global Leaders Scholarship” of HK$300,000 eligible for local HKDSE applicants. This scholarship covers the full tuition fee and overseas development activities! Interested applicants may apply for this scholarship by 16 June 2024.  Please feel free to visit the link to apply for this scholarship.

20 May, 2024


Active Thinking Presentation at HK MPFA

Professor Dewey Yee, Professor of Practice from LMS Department, was invited to present “Active Thinking” lecture series from his LGT5172 Managerial Thinking and Skills Workshop subject for Early Career Professional Development at the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) on Thursday, May 9th, 2024.   During his presentation, Prof. Yee highlighted that success in life is determined by the ability to speak, write and the quality of thinking, in that order. He emphasized that active thinking starts with effective communication through speaking and writing. Furthermore, he advocated for an open-minded approach, encouraging participants to gather the information of facts rather than opinions.   Prof. Yee also stressed the significance of using unconscious mind to avoid being overwhelmed and empathized the importance of clarity and conciseness in communication, introducing the KISS (Keep it Simple and Smart) principle. In addition, he featured the value of active listening before engaging in a thoughtful reply to start the thinking process.   The presentation attracted over 100 participants, with 60 in attendance and 40 joining online from the MPFA, the eMPF Platform Company, Securities and Futures Commission and Insurance Authority. Feedback from participants was tremendously positive, with several participants describing the experience as “eye-opening”.

13 May, 2024


Emerging Global Leaders Scholarship 2024

The Emerging Global Leaders Scholarship is granted to eligible local students with outstanding HKDSE qualifications and admitted to the 4-year BBA (Hons) Scheme in Aviation, Maritime and Supply Chain Management (programme code: 44493; JUPAS code: JS3070) offered by the Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies (LMS) starting from 2024/25 intake cohort. For more details on the scholarship, please visit To learn more details about the JS3070 programme, please see Application Interested students, please complete the Application Form ( on or before 8 July 2024 at Hong Kong Time 23:59 (GMT +8 hours). Shortlisted applicants may be invited for an interview. Successful applicants will receive conditional offers of the scholarship. Enquiries Tel: (852) 2766 7481 Email: /

6 May, 2024


27 April SpaceBiz Monthly Conference

OASA’s SpaceBiz Monthly Conference was held at PolyU on Saturday, 27 April 2024. The session focused on the potential of Spacecraft Leasing as a viable funding option for the NewSpace economy. PolyU Prof. Dewey Yee, who teaches Space Commerce, gave a detailed presentation on spacecraft leasing with HKU Prof. Stephen W. Cheung illuminating the academic perspective and investment banker Mr. Richard Ting raising practical concerns from the investor’s position. Overall the lively and enriching dialogue was enjoyed by all who stay well beyond the close of the event.    Hong Kong, as a potential spacecraft leasing hub for the mainland’s fast developing space programme financing can significantly benefit with its robust legal framework and innovative spirit. As we navigate the trajectory of the NewSpace economy, estimated to surpass US$1.8T by 2035, it’s crucial to explore avenues like spacecraft leasing that could reshape Hong Kong’s future.   The conference sparked engaging discussions, with participants envisaging the future of space finance and the role of government in its evolution. We are entering a thrilling era as we explore in the realm of space commerce.  

29 Apr, 2024

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Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award 2024

We are pleased to update that the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award 2024 webpage is launched.  The announcement was made to the alumni community via AlumNews yesterday. The Internal Guidelines and Nomination Form templates are available at the Internal Resource (For Staff) webpage of Alumni website. The eForm templates for Department Award as well as Faculty/School Award are provided.  Your staff may download and import the template to PolyU Form Service (PFS 2.0) for customization and use. We are collecting the contact points of your Department/ Faculty/ School Awards, and they will be posted on the OPAA 2024 webpage when ready.  Please contact Ms Daisy Ng of my office at 2766 5531 or email: if you have questions or require any assistance.  

5 Apr, 2024

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Presentation Ceremony for Outstanding Student Award and Presidential Student Leadership Award 2023

Event Details Date: 26 March 2024 (Tuesday) Time: 3.30 – 5.00 pm (Registration starts at 3.00 pm) Venue: Jockey Club Auditorium, PolyU (Please register and obtain the admission ticket at the reception counter at the foyer) Seat: Zone B   Time Rundown 3.00 – 3.25 pm Registration   3.30 pm Playing the PolyU Theme Song   3.35 pm Welcoming Remarks by the President   3.45 pm Presentation of Presidential Student Leadership Award (PSLA)   4.08 pm Vote of Thanks by the Awardee of the President’s Distinguished Student Leadership Award 4.18 pm Presentation of Outstanding Student Award (OSA)   4.41 pm   Vote of Thanks by The Most Outstanding PolyU Student   4.46 pm Group Photos   5.00 pm Tea Reception  

28 Mar, 2024


Faculty/President’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2023; and PBS Fellow Scheme 2022/23

Faculty/President’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2023; and PBS Fellow Scheme 2022/23   In order to motivate staff members to excel in their work performance and give recognition to those with outstanding achievements and contributions to significantly raising the reputation of the Faculty and PolyU, the University has in place the Faculty/President’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement; while our Faculty has established the PBS (PolyU Business School) Fellow Scheme.   According to the established practice, an Award Assessment Panel comprising the Dean, the Associate Deans and four past Faculty Award/PBS Fellow awardees appointed by the Dean was formed to consider, at its meeting held on 20 July 2023, the nominations received from the Departments for the above two Awards this year.   I am pleased to announce the list of awardees with details as follows:   I(a). Faculty Awards 2023   Individual Award Category Dept Awardee Teaching Outstanding Young Teacher* AF Dr William Wong, Teaching Fellow Research and Scholarly Activities Outstanding Researcher LMS Prof. Amanda Wang, Professor Outstanding Young Researcher* LMS Dr Jinzhi Bu, Assistant Professor Services LMS Prof. Amanda Wang, Professor *The age limit is 45 or below.   Team Award Category Dept Awardee Teaching – Outstanding Teacher AF Dr Justin Law, Senior Teaching Fellow (Team Leader); Dr Li Jiang, Associate Professor; and Dr Anthony Pang, Associate Professor (LMS)   I(b). Faculty Prizes 2023   The Panel also agreed that the following colleagues be awarded our own Faculty Prizes in recognition of the very good performance/achievements demonstrated in their nominated areas:   Individual Prize Category Dept Awardee Teaching Outstanding Young Teacher* LMS Dr Xiaomeng Guo, Associate Professor MM Prof. Yuwei Jiang, Professor and Associate Head Research and Scholarly Activities Outstanding Researcher AF   Prof. Nancy Su, Professor and Head Outstanding Young Researcher* AF Dr Lisa Chengzhu Sun, Assistant Professor AF Dr Chi Shen Wei, Associate Professor LMS Dr Kai Pan, Associate Professor MM Dr Qi Zhu, Assistant Professor MM Dr Dai Yao, Associate Professor MM Prof. Krishna Savani, Professor Knowledge Transfer Industry LMS Dr Kai Pan, Associate Professor Services AF Dr Tina Wong, Teaching Fellow and Assistant Dean (Accreditation) *The age limit is 45 or below.   Team Prize Category Dept Awardee Teaching - Outstanding Teacher LMS Dr Judy Tong, Teaching Fellow (Team Leader); and Dr T.L. Yip, Associate Professor MM Prof. Wu Liu, Professor and Head (Team Leader); Dr Pamsy Hui, Senior Teaching Fellow and Associate Head; Dr Amy Ou, Associate Professor; Prof. Leon Lam, Professor of Practice; and Prof. Terrance Leung, Professor of Practice Knowledge Transfer Industry AF Prof. Qiang Wu, Professor (Team Leader); Ms Helen Chan, Senior Officer; Mr Yat Chee Lai, Technical Staff; and Ms Amber Ip, Project Assistant   II.  Nominations for President's Awards 2023   The President’s Awards are administered annually.  The Panel agreed that the following recipients of the Faculty Awards 2023 be put up for consideration for the President’s Awards 2023:   Nomination for Individual Award Category Dept Nominee Research and Scholarly Activities Outstanding Researcher LMS Prof. Amanda Wang, Professor   Nomination for Team Award Category Dept Nominee Teaching – Outstanding Teacher AF Dr Justin Law, Senior Teaching Fellow (Team Leader); Dr Li Jiang, Associate Professor; and Dr Anthony Pang, Associate Professor (LMS)   III.  PBS Fellow Scheme 2022/23   Category Dept Awardee Top five highest score staff contributors to FB’s research contributions in the UTD Top 100 Worldwide Rankings of Business Schools 2018-2022. LMS Dr Kai Pan, Associate Professor LMS Dr Guang Xiao, Associate Professor Colleague(s) who is/are: Editors/ Editors-in-Chief (or other equivalent titles like Department Editor, Area Editor, or even Associate Editor, etc.) of A* journals who have the authority to accept and reject papers; or Editors-in-Chief or equivalent of Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) or Science Citation Index (SCI) journals, provided that the journal is grade B or above on the departmental journal list in FB. AF Prof. Nancy Su, Professor and Head LMS Prof. Hans Wang, Professor Colleague(s) who has/have done well in Knowledge Transfer activities such as undertaking high-value consultancy projects, and those who have generated income and created visibility with substantial evidence. AF Dr Jingran Zhao, Associate Professor Colleague(s) with achievements in making significant contribution to raising the reputation and visibility of the Faculty or PolyU. LMS Prof. Ling Zhu, Professor MM Dr Hazel Lee, Teaching Fellow and Assistant Dean (Student Development) Colleague(s) who has/have successfully solicited donation of HK$1,000,000 or above.   AF Prof. Nancy Su, Professor and Head AF Prof. Brian Kei, Professor of Practice LMS Prof. Edwin Cheng, Chair Professor and Dean [indicated not to receive the Award]; Prof. Andy Yeung, Chair Professor and Head; and Prof. Mike Lai, Chair Professor and Associate Dean (Academic Support) Colleague(s) who has/have delivered outstanding service in the management and administration of undergraduate/ postgraduate programmes of the Faculty. MM Dr Boyoun Grace Chae, Assistant Professor

4 Mar, 2024



Hok Yau Club JUPAS Talk 2023 (學友社大學聯招講座 JUPAS Talk 2023)

Date: 12 Nov 2023 (Sun) Event: Hok Yau Club JUPAS Talk 2023 (學友社大學聯招講座 JUPAS Talk 2023) Invited Speaker: Dr Anthony Pang Guests: Sally Chan, Iris Lam and Renee Wong (LMS Student Ambassadors) Event details: Event highlights:

22 Nov, 2023

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23/24 School Talk - Lui Ming Choi Lutheran College

【School visit to Lui Ming Choi Lutheran College】 School Lui Ming Choi Lutheran College Date 12/10/2023 Time 14:50-15:50 No of students and their forms F6, 86 person  Speakers Dr Anthony Pang BBA-GSCM/BBA-SCMA Programme Leader Alex Chiu BBA-ISTL Benedict Cheng BBA-AML Dr Anthony Pang, SCMA Programme Leader, along with two LMS Student Ambassadors, Mr Alex Chiu (BBA-ISTL Student) and Mr Benedict Cheng (BBA-AML Student), had the pleasure of visiting Lui Ming Choi Lutheran College. They enthusiastically shared detailed information about the BBA (Hons) Scheme in Aviation, Maritime, and Supply Chain Management (JUPUS Code: JS3070), as well as the extraordinary school life experience at PolyU. We are thrilled to invite all of you to join us at the upcoming PolyU Info Day on October 21, 2023 (Saturday).        

13 Oct, 2023

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