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Date Presenter's Name Title
2022-07-21 Ms LIU Yanran Technological Innovation and Provincial Carbon Abatement in China
2022-07-13 Ms LI Xiaoxia Three Essays on Ocean Transportation Industry: From the Financial and Economics Perspectives
2022-07-08 Mr ZOU Ding Issues on Managing Sustainable Operations
2022-07-04 Ms SHU Shengnan Continuous-Time Service Network Design: New Models, Relaxations, and Solution Methods
2022-06-20 Mr ZHANG Silong Solving the Capacitated Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
2022-06-09 Mr MA Yafei Dual Sourcing in the Presence of Quality Uncertainty When Consumers Are Fairness Concerned
2022-06-09 Ms ZHANG Ping Essays on the Healthcare Management Operations and Marketing Interface
2022-06-02 Ms ZHOU Ruqi The Impacts of Carbon Futures on Shipping: A Case Study for Steel Industry
2022-06-02 Mr CHEN Zepeng Crowdfunding or Bank Financing: Innovation with the Threat of Downstream Imitation and Market Uncertainty
2022-06-02 Ms XU Jingwen Dual Sourcing Under Supply Uncertainty: Impact Of Tariff and Shipping Cost

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