Year | Project Title | Principal Investigator | Funding Source |
2020/2021 | A Model of Credit Refund Policy | Dr LIU Yan | GRF |
2020/2021 | Data-Driven Planning for Smart Vehicle-Grid Integration Systems | Dr PAN Kai | GRF |
2020/2021 | Design and Analysis of Maintenance Services with Imperfect Online Monitoring: Tradeoff among Online Monitoring Accuracy, Congestion Level and Investment Cost | Prof. NG Chi-to | GRF |
2020/2021 | Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Product Line Design | Dr GUO Xiaomeng | GRF |
2020/2021 | Efficiency and stability of liner shipping alliances in parallel networks | Dr LUO Meifeng | GRF |
2020/2021 | Exclusion or Inclusion? When a Critical Component Supplier Meets a Manufacturer with Component-Making Ability | Prof. WANG Yulan | GRF |
2020/2021 | Optimal tournament durations: the longer, the better? | Dr CZERNY Achim | GRF |
2020/2021 | Responsible production and financial performance under different operating environment conditions | Prof. LAI Kee-hung | GRF |
2020/2021 | Supply Risk Mitigation in a Decentralized Supply Chain: Postponing Price or Postponing Payment? | Dr XIAO Guang | GRF |
2019/2020 | Capacity Design for Electrified Shared-Mobility Systems | Dr PAN Kai | GRF |