- Job duties
- Prospects, including training, development and promotion
- Remuneration
- Qualities that the employer is looking for among fresh graduates
- Recruitment process
About the company
- Mission and core values
- Past achievements and future development
- Prized products/services and “yet-to-develop” aspects
- Competitive edge
- Key challenges
About the working environment
- Potential co-workers
- Working culture
- the recruitment advertisement placed by the company;
- the printed or online information of the company; and
- the alumni who have worked or are working for the company.
Show courtesy by:
- being punctual;
- being attentive;
- being responsive; and
- sitting closer to the speakers.
It would be good to ask questions during a recruitment talk because it shows the attendee's:
- preparation and researches done before attending the talk;
- communication skills, such as language capabilities and positive attitude; and
- eagerness to know the company and the post.
Good questions to be asked during a recruitment talk include:
- questions about the company (which shows the attendee's preparation before attending the talk); and
- questions about the career prospect of the post (which shows the attendee's aspiration).
When asking a question, please be specific, polite, and use a positive tone.